Praying thro 1 Sam 27-31 (Aug 11)

Seek God’s Guidance, Way & Time

After months of running for his life,
David concludes that leaving Israel
entirely is the only way to escape
Saul’s relentless pursuit. Convincing
the Philistines he is a true defector,
David is given the city of Ziglag as
his base of operations. But instead
of aiding the enemy, David and his
army methodically destroy Philistine
strongholds. Meanwhile, Saul’s
attempts to counter the Philistine
threat finally lead him to consult
a medium. Instead of the promise
of victory, Saul hears predictions
of death and defeat – forecasts
which come true the next day.

Dear Lord, from the experience of
David & Saul, we learn not to take
matters over into our own hands.
David quickly killed Goliath but
waited patiently for God to deal with
Saul. Although David was anointed
to be Israel’s next king, he had to
wait for years to realise this promise.
For the difficult circumstances in
life and the times of waiting often
refine, teach and prepare us for the
future responsibilities God has for us
Help us to Wait For Your Timing;
Help us to Seek Your Guidance;
Help us to Obey Your Way. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait For Your Timing:
When Saul saw the Philistine army,
he trembled greatly. When Saul
inquired of the Lord, the Lord didn’t
answer him. Then Saul said to the
servants: Find me a medium that
I may inquire of her. Now Samuel
said to Saul: The Lord has torn the
kingdom out of yr hand & given it
to David; because you did not obey
the voice of the Lord nor execute
His fierce wrath upon Amalek.
Moreover the Lord will also
deliver Israel with you into the
hand of the Philistines (28:5-18).
Lord, thank U for hearing prayers.
Grant me patience to wait for the
answers and in Your perfect timing.
Give me peace to accept Yr answer,
even if it is no. Help me never take
matters into my own hands to try
& make things to happen that is not
Your will. For I trust You know what
is best for me at all times. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Guidance:
David was now in great danger
because all his men were very bitter
about losing their sons & daughters
& they began to talk of stoning him.
But David found strength in the Lord
his God. Then he said to Abiathar
the priest: Bring me the ephod!…
Then David asked the Lord: Should
I chase after this band of raiders?
And the Lord told him: Yes, go after
them. You will surely recover every-
thing taken from you (1 Sam 30:6-8)
Lord, my strength is limited but
Your strength is endless. Fill me,
empower me and enable me to do
all that You have called me to do.
And let me never be presumptuous
about Your Will or Your methods.
I am depending on fresh guidance
in every situation of my life. Amen.

Lord, we will Obey Your Way:
The Philistines attacked Israel
and the men of Israel fled before
them. Many were slaughtered
on the slopes of Mount Gilboa.
The Philistines closed in on Saul
and his sons and they killed three
of his sons. The fighting grew
very fierce around Saul and the
Philistine archers caught up with
him and wounded him severely.
Saul groaned to his armor bearer:
Take your sword and kill me
before these pagan Philistines
come to taunt and torture me.
But his armor bearer was afraid
and would not do it, So Saul took
his own sword & fell on it (31:1-4)
Lord, we will guard against the
spirit of individualism and doing
things “My Way”. Instead we will
aspire for obedience to You God
and doing things Your way. Amen.