Praying thro 1 Sam 24-26 (Aug 10)

God’s Mercy Through His People

After a brief delay to deal with
a Philistine threat, Saul resumes
persuit of David and unknowingly
traps David and his men in a cave.
Then miraculously, the tables are
turned as David stands poised over
King Saul with the power of life and
death in his hand. And although
vengeance is within his reach,
David refuses to end the life of
God’s anointed. Again the scene
is repeated in the wilderness of Ziph.
Once again the source of David’s
anxiety is only a sword’s thrust away.
And once again David resists the
temptation to assume God’s role by
ending the life of Saul prematurely.

Dear Lord, from the experience
of David & Saul, we learn not take
matters over into our own hands,
but instead to dispense mercy.
Help us be willing to Do Right;
rather than taking easy way out
or giving in to group pressure.
Help us duly Respect Leaders as
as God has given them authority.
Help us guard against doing things
“My Way” but to Listen To Advice.
For God is both just and faithful;
You see all that is happening and
we trust You care for us. Amen.

Lord, we aspire to Do What’s Right:
After Saul had left the cave, David
came out and shouted to Saul: The
Lord placed you at my mercy back
there in the cave. Some of my men
told me to kill you but I spared you.
For I said: I will never harm the
king – he is the Lord’s anointed one.
Look at what I have in my hand.
It is a piece of the hem of your robe!
I cut it off but I didn’t kill you. This
proves that I am not trying to harm u..
even though you have been hunting
for me to kill me (1 Sam 24:7-11).
Lord, we realise the means we use
to accomplish a goal are important
as the goal we are trying to achieve.
Help me not compromise Your moral
standards by giving in to group
pressure or taking the easy way out.
Help me to be willing to do right
and not what seems to be right.
Help me being in tune with You God
so that I know the difference. Amen.

Lord, we will Listen to Advice:
So David’s young men returned
and told him what Nabel had said.
Get your swords! was David’s reply…
Abigail wasted no time. She quickly
gathered 200 loaves of bread…two
wine-skins full of wine, 5 sheep..100
clusters of raisins & 200 fig cakes…
When Abigail saw David, she quickly
bowed & said: I accept all blame, my
lord… Nabel is an ill-tempered man;
please don’t pay attention to him. He
is a fool just as his name suggests…
David replied: Praise the Lord…
who has sent you to meet me. Thank
God for your good sense. Bless you
for keeping me from carrying out
vengeance (1 Sam 25:12-33).
Lord, thank You for the lesson of
not taking vengeance in our hands.
Help us always to be careful to
listen to what others have to say no
matter how right we think we are.
For the extra time and effort can
save us much pain & trouble. Amen.

Lord, we will Respect our leaders:
David took the spear and jug of
water that were near Saul’s head.
Then he and Abishai got away…
David climbed the hill opposite
the camp until he was at a safe
distance. Then he shouted down
to the soldiers and to Abner:
Wake up Abner!… Why haven’t
you guarded your master the king
when someone came to kill him?
You failed to protect your master,
the Lord’s anointed! Look around!
Where are the king’s spear and
the jug of water that were beside
his head? (1 Sam 26:12-16).
Lord, we learn from Rom 13:1-7
that God placed leaders in power.
Help us be like David in respecting
the positions and roles of those
to whom God has given authority.
Remind us not to hurt those who
are against us just because we have
the opportunity to do so. Amen.