Praying thro 2 Sam 15-20 (Aug 31)

Do Right in Challenging Situation

Today’s reading describes the
fulfilment of Nathan’s prophetic
judgment on David. While his own
transgression was done in secret,
the shame & murder within his own
family circle would be done before
all Israel. But the greatest headache
would be the rebellious attempt by
Absalom to usurp his father’s throne.
David’s faith in God never diminish,
though severely tested. Driven from
Jerusalem and disgraced by his son,
David is restored eventually, though
at heavy personal and national cost.

Lord, all scripture is profitable
for instruction in righteousness;
including obscure passages related
to the judgment on King David.
Help us Lord to do the right thing
in difficult & challenging situations.
Help us to entrust our future to You.
Help us to be Guided by Your Law.
Help us to Think Before Doing. Amen

Lord, we entrust our future to You:
A messenger came and told David:
The hearts of the men of Israel are
with Absalom. Then David said to
all his officials… Come! We must
flee, or none of us will escape from
Absalom… They set down the ark of
God and Abiathar offered sacrifices..
Then the king said to Zadok: Take
the ark of God back into the city.
If I find favour in the Lord’s eyes,
He will bring me back and let me
see it… again. But if He says: I am
not pleased with you… let Him do
to me whatever seems good to Him
(2 Samuel 15:13-14, 24-26). Amen.
Lord, let us follow the example of
David when life’s broken & dreams
shattered, he still worshipped You.
Help us when the future is uncertain
to entrust ourselves to Your hands.
Help us to depend solely on You for
deliverance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we will Be Guided by Your Law:
(Absalom) got up every morning
and went out to the gate of the city.
When people brought a case to the
king for judgment, Absalom would
ask where in Israel they were from,
and they would tell him their tribe.
Then Absalom would say: You’ve
really got a strong case here! It’s
too bad the king doesn’t have any-
one to hear it. I wish I were the judge.
Absalom did this with everyone
who came to the king for judgment,
and so he stole the hearts of all
the people of Israel (2 Sam 15:2-6).
For a short time, most of Israel was
supporting the rebel ruler Absalom.
Soon however the people wanted
David back as their king (19:8-10).
Lord, there is much pressure to
conform to the world. Rather than
trying to be popular, guide our life
Lord by the moral principles given
in God’s Word. For You never change
know what is best for us. Amen.

Lord, we will Think Before Doing:
And the king gave this command
to Joab, Abishai and Ittai: For my
sake, deal gently with Absalom.
And all the troops heard the king
give this order to his commanders…
During the battle,Absalom happened
to come upon some of David’s men.
He tried to escape on his mule,
but as he ride beneath the thick
branches of a great tree, his hair
got caught in the tree. His mule kept
going and left him dangling in the air.
One of David’s men saw what
had happened and told Joab…
Then (Joab) took three daggers and
plunged them into Absalom’s heart
as he dangled still alive (2S18:5-14).
Lord, those who do evil often do
not take the time to consider what
they are about to do; for they don’t
care whether it is right or lawful.
Lord Help us don’t rush into action
without thinking through. Help us
consider whether what we are
about to do us right or wrong. Amen

Hearing God In Zep 3 (Aug 30)

God Delights to Restore You

Writing at perhaps the lowest
point in the spiritual life of Judah,
Zephaniah’ primary concern is
the impending Day of the Lord.
That day would signify the final
judgment of God on earth and the
ensuing time of blessing & peace.
Zephaniah knows when judgment
is finally over, God will once again
look with favour on His people;
Restore their fortunes, Rejoice
over them and dwell among them.

Lord, You are Mighty to Save:
In that day… do not fear; Zion,
let Not your hands be weak.
The Lord your God is With you,
He is Mighty To Save.
He will Take Great Delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will Rejoice over you with
singing (Zep 3:17-18). Amen.

Lord, I have peace and joy in
knowing You are always With me
and have the Power To Save me
from harm, plans of the enemy
and You can move the mountain!
Help me to remember at all times,
even when going through difficult
situations that my foundation is
in You and my security is sustained
by Your Great Love for me. Amen.

Lord, we may struggle with secret
fear that You God doesn’t like us.
We fear that U disapprove of us &
our stubborn commitment to sin.
We may even feel that You God
has deserted us in our difficulties.
Thanks for your promise in Zep 3
that helps us put such fears to rest.
The reality is that You take great
delight in us with gladness.
In fact Your promise is not only
to rescue and restore us but also
to rejoice over us with songs. Amen

Lord, I’m blessed You Delight in me,
even after rebuking me for wrongs.
Thank You Sovereign God for being
indeed a loving Heavenly Father
rather than a stern disciplinarian.
Thank You that You much prefer
to rejoice with us than to rebuke us.
Thank you You love me so much
that You would sing over me.
In adoration and thanksgiving,
I offer You my heart unreservedly &
say how much I appreciate U. Amen

Hearing God In Hab 2-3 (Aug 29)

God’s Promise Will Be Fulfilled

Habakkuk prophecies in Judah
before its final overthrow by
Babylonia. Honestly concerned
with how God could chasten Judah
by means of a nation even more
sinful than itself, Habakkuk deals
with some perplexing questions:
Why is a just God silent? Why do
the pleas of the faithful seem to
go unheard? The reply comes
in the statement of a timeless
principle of God’s sovereignty:
God will deal in His way and in
His time. Meanwhile righteous
people must continue to trust God.

Lord, You are Our Strength:
For The vision is yet for an
appointed time; but at the end
it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
it will surely come… The just
shall live by his faith (Hab 2:3-4).
Even though the olive crop fails
and the fields lie empty & barren;
even though the flocks die in the
fields & the cattle barns are empty,
yet I Will Rejoice in the Lord!
I will be joyful in the God of
my salvation (Hab 3:17-18).
The Sovereign Lord is My Strength;
He makes my feet like the feet
of a deer, He enables me to tread
in the heights (Hab 3:19). Amen.

Lord, help me to have the faith
and understanding I need to keep
praying and not give up if my
prayers aren’t answered right away.
I know Your ways are perfect. But
help me not become discouraged
in the time of waiting for Your help.
But rather to continue praying until
I see Your will done in all the things
You put in my heart to pray about.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we have heard all about You
and we are filled with awe by the
amazing things You have done.
In our time of deep need, begin
again to help us as You did in years
gone by. Show us Your power to
save us. No matter what happens
we purpose to Rejoice in You.
for You are our strength.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Oh Sovereign Lord, we need You.
Our strength is limited; but
Your strength is endless.
Fill us and empower us;
enable us to do all that
You have called us to do.
May the same Spirit that raised
Jesus from the dead give us life
and strength to make thro all the
dark winters we are facing and
bear much fruit in Your time. Amen

Hearing God In Micah 3 (Aug 28)

God Will Have Compassion On Us

Micah describes God’s people
on trial as the charges are leveled
against Israel: halfhearted worship,
persistent rebellion, hypocrisy, greed
idolatry. Verdict: Guilty as charged.
The sentence: exile in Babylon.
Yet the message of Micah is not
complete until he preaches richness
of God’s forgiveness and grace.
He retains not his anger forever
because he delights in mercy(7:18)

Lord will Bring Us Out of Darkness:
Though I have fallen, I will rise.
Though I sit in darkness, the Lord
Will Be My Light. Because I have
sinned against him, I will bear
the Lord’s wrath, until He pleads
my case and upholds my cause.
He will bring me out Into the Light;
I’ll see His righteousness (Mic7:8-9)
Where is another God like You…
You will not stay angry with
your people forever, because
U delight in showing unfailing love.
Once again U will have compassion
on us. U will trample our sins under
your feet and Throw Them into the
depths of the Ocean (v18-19) Amen

Lord, thank you that even if I were
to fall off the path You have for me,
You will Lift Me Up when I repent.
Thank You that even if I sink into
darkness, You will be my Light.
Thank You that You not only
forgive but You will also Restore.
I praise You as the Light of my life
and keeper of the flame that burns
in my heart for eternity. Amen.

Lord, when we sin severely, we
may have to expect discipline.
And we need to be Patient
for You God promises that You
will be our light in the darkness.
Though it may take some time,
You God has not given up on us.
In fact You promise that we
will see Your righteousness.
Gracious Lord bring me out of
the darkness and into Your light.
Show me Your righteousness and
give me victory, nothing less. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says You will throw our sins into the depths of the ocean.
How gracious of You for that means
You utterly hides them from sight.
What a relief!! Though men may
bring up my past sins over and
over again to torment us, I need
not worry that someday You might bring up my sins in heaven. For You
have promised to cast them into
the ocean never to be seen again.
We purpose not to take sin lightly.
And we adore You Lord Jesus
for it costs your blood & life. Amen

Hearing God In Joel 2 (Aug 27)

God Will Redeem Time & Restore U

Addressing hearts that have grown
cold to the things of God, Joel
confronts the people of Judah.
He reminds them of the destruction
brought by a plague of locusts and
warns of the castastrophe to come.
Unless the nation repents, it will be
destroyed by an army from the north
The only hope of escape is for
the people to repent. If they do,
then God will divert judgment and
will deliver unparalleled blessing
and the gift of peace to Zion!

Lord, You Will Redeem the Time:
I Will Repay you for the years
the locusts have eaten… my
great army that I sent among you.
You shall eat in plenty and be
satisfied, and praise the name of
the Lord your God (Joel 2:25-26).
It shall come to pass afterward that
I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh..
Whoever Calls on the name of the
Lord Shall Be Saved (v28-32) Amen

Lord, thank You that it is never
too late to turn to You and see
Restoration happens in our life.
Even though there has been time
wasted when I didn’t live fully for U,
I pray that U Will Redeem the time
and help me to make up for it.
Restore everything that has been
lost, wasted or ruined so that
I can testify of Your glory. Amen.

Lord, there’s times when we ignore
the still small voice & make mistakes.
Though discipline may come our
way but You promise to give back
the years the locusts had eaten.
Grateful that You not only forgive
but Yr mercy is great. Help me learn
from mistakes & grow closer to You.
And thank You that You will redeem
my past and guide my future. Amen.

Lord, thank you for Your Word
that everyone who calls on
Your name Will Be Saved. Thank
You for the promise to hear
and answer my cries for help.
Your rescue of me may not end
up looking like what I imagine
but You do promise to deliver.
Grant me the faith to believe this
promise with all my heart. Amen.

Hearing God In Hosea 2 (Aug 26)

God Loves & Cares For You !!

To Israel, a land steeped in idolatry,
God sends the prophet Hosea,
whose name means salvation. Just
as God foretold, Gomer deserts her
husband for other lovers -a graphic
depiction of Israel’s faithlessness
in response to God’s loyal love.
When Gomer sinks to the level of a
slave, Hosea is commanded to buy
her back, for she is still his wife.
In the same way the God pledges
His continuing love for His people,
even though their spiritual adultery
will result in captivity & enslavement
at the hands of the Assyrians.

Lord,thanks for Hedge of Protection:
I Will Fence her in with thornbushes.
I Will Block the road to make her
lose her way. When she runs
after her lovers, she won’t be
able to catch up with them.
She will search for them but
not find them. Then she will say:
I will go and Return to my first
husband for then it was better
for me than now (Hos 2:6-7).
I Will Win her back once again…
I Will Be Faithful to you and
make you Mine (v14, 20). Amen.

Lord, I ask You to build a Hedge
of thorns to separate my friends
and loved ones from any influence
not ordained by You. I pray that
those who are a bad influence
will lose interest and flee and that
my loved one would lose interest
in them as well. May that Hedge
of thorns defend against any
contact with those who are out
of Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, you are holy and want us to
walk straight and narrow paths.
Put a hedge of thorns around us
who don’t have the wisdom to see
destructive path or the discipline
to keep away from it. Won’t U Lord.
And teach us to pray with faith
and perseverance, knowing that
nothing is impossible to You Lord.
Help us to wait trusting You and
expect for breakthrough. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your nature
to Love your people relentlessly.
Thank You for Your Care thro Your
people, even the TTC community!!
Thank You for showing Your love to me through an object lesson;
thro Mark who provided med check,
thro Daniel who triggered medical
response system, thro classmates
Clement, Rufus, Caleb and James
who ferried me to lounge and
others who interceded for me;
thro Dr Jane and Dr Kenneth
who use their medical expertise;     thro Dr Ken for driving me home;
thro Dr Edmund, Dr Daniel and Dr
Chiang who teach us importance
of pastoral care with their presence.
Thank You Lord for showing so
clearly Your love and that it’s indeed
great to be in Your family. Amen!!

Praying thro 2 Sam 11-14 (Aug 25)

Be Weary of Sinning & Aftermath

At a time when David should have
been on the field of battle, he finds
himself instead on the roof of the
palace. A casual glance… a lustful
thought… an inquiry… and the king
of Israel set in motion a chain of
events that culminates in adultery
and murder. David’s sinful acts
continue to ripen for years within
David’s family in the form of murder,
incest, treachery and open revolt.

Dear Lord, we learn from scripture
that good times can cause even
a person after Your own heart to
be complacent, have idling mind
and even succumb to temptations.
And whilst we will be forgiven
for our sins, we may still have
to experience its consequences.
Help us to Be Weary of Idling Mind;
Help us to Be Weary of Sinning; and
Help us to Be Weary of Obsessions.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Weary of Idling Mind, Lingering Look & Focussing Desire:
At the time when kings go out to
battle, David Remained in Jerusalem.
After his midday rest, David was
walking on the roof of the palace.
As he looked out over the city, he
noticed a woman of Unusual beauty
taking a bath. He sent someone to
Find out who she was and was told:
She is Bathsheba, the wife of Utah
the Hittite. David sent messengers
to get her; and when she came
to the palace, he slept with her…
Later Bathsheba discovered
she was pregnant (2Sam 11:1-5).
Lord, help me to always resist
temptation from the moment I am
confronted with it. Help me to draw
closer to You when anything tries to
draw me away from You. Deliver me
from the trap of temptation before
I fall into it. Give me the strength
and wisdom I need to resist or flee
from temptation at all times. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Weary of Sinning:
Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will
raise up adversity against you…
and I will take your wives and give
them to your neighbour… So David
said to Nathan: I have sinned against
the Lord. Nathan said: The Lord has
put away your sin; you shall not die.
But because of this deed you have
given great occasion to the enemies
of the Lord to blaspheme, the child
who is born shall surely die(12:11-14)
Lord, we realise when You forgive
us and restore our relationship,
U don’t eliminate all consequences
of our wrongdoings. Help us to
remember that we may set in motion
events with dire consequences so
that we will strengthen our resolve
to flee or resist temptation. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Weary of Obsessions:
Absalom never said a word to
Ammon… he hated Amnon because
he had disgraced his sister Tamar.
Two years later, when Absalom’s
sheep shearers were at Baal Hazor…
he invited all the king’s sons to come
there… Absalom ordered his men:
Listen! When Amnon is in high
spirits from drinking wine and
I say to you: Strike Amnon down,
then kill him (2 Samuel 13:22-28).
Lord, when we have been hurt,
it’s quite natural to want justice.
But sometimes our demands rise
the longer the hurts go unresolved.
Show us where our obsessions
are set to ruin all the good things
You have given us. I am weak and
need Your help to forgive someone.
In Your mercy, grant me grace on
the path towards freedom. Amen.

Praying thro 2 Sam 8-10 (Aug 24)

Cooperation with God Bring Success

Once the internal opposition against
his rule has been silenced, David
is free to secure his new kingdom
against foreign invasion. In quick
succession the Moabites, Syrians,
Edomites and Ammonites fall to
David’s troops, causing the other
neighbouring powers to surrender
without a fight. Extensive new
territories are added to David’s
kingdom. But David nurses no
spirit of revenge, as evidence in
his dealings with Mephibosheth.

Dear Lord, we’re inspired by David’s success thro Cooperation with You.
Prompt us to inquire of your will
and when You move slowly at times,
grant us grace to wait patiently for
Your promises to be fulfilled. Lord,
Help us to Show Justice & Mercy.
Help us to Show Kindness; and
Help us to Also Do Our Part. Amen.

Lord, we will Show Justice & Mercy:
And David made himself a name
when he returned from killing 18,000
Syrians… Throughout all Edom
he put garrisons… And the Lord
preserved David wherever he went.
So David reigned over all Israel; and
David administered judgment and
justice to all his people(2Sam8:13-15)
Lord, You are a just God and You
want us to show justice to everyone
like what David did in his country.
Help us Lord when we are placed
in a leadership position, that we
will be fair to everyone. Help us
not show favouritism to people
who have similar opinions or
similar backgrounds to ourselves.
Help us to defend and care for
especially the disadvantaged, the
weak and the downtrodden. Amen.

Lord, we will Show Kindness:
One day David began wondering
if anyone in Saul’s family was
still alive, for he had promised
Jonathan that he would show
kindness to them. He summoned
Ziba, who had been Saul’s servant…
The king asked Ziba: Is anyone still
alive from Saul’s family? If so, I want
to show God’s kindness to them…
Ziba answered: There is still a son of
Jonathan… And Mephibosheth lived
in Jerusalem because he always
ate at the king’s table (2S9:1-3,13).
Lord, bring to my remembrance
people I have forgotten and those
You want me to show kindness.
Help me be generous to others;
for one kind act can lift up a
person and strengthen his faith.
When I make a commitment to
someone, help me fulfil it quickly
so that I don’t forget to do it. And
remind me often that You never
fail to fulfil Your promises. Amen.

Lord, we will Also Do Our Part:
When Joab saw that he would have
to fight on both the front & the rear,
he chose some Israel’s elite troops
and placed them under his personal
command to fight the Arameans…
He left the rest of the army under
the command of his brother Abishai,
who was to attack the Ammonites.
Joab told his brother: if Arameans
are too strong for me, come over
and help me. And if the Ammonites
are too strong for you, I will come
and help you. Be courageous!
Let Us Fight bravely for our people
and the cities of our God. May the
Lord’s Will Be Done (2 Sam 10:9-12)
Lord, we need to keep our actions
and our faith in You God in balance.
For we know that You expect us to
use our minds and our muscles even
while we depend on You for help.
So we purpose to use our resources
to obey God, while at the same time
trusting You for the outcome. Amen.

Preview On 2 Samuel

Preview On 2 Samuel (Aug 17)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God; and
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through Obedient Faith,
Judges that God judges against sin
and Restores those who Repent;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption; &
1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart.

Continuing, David the king-elect in
1 Samuel becomes king-enthroned
in 2 Samuel, ruling first over Judah
& then over all Israel. Characterised
at first by victory and success, David
leads Israel to world prominence.
But his reign is soon marred by
the dual sins of adultery & murder.
The aftershocks of turmoil, trouble
and unrest rock the kingdom for
the rest of his life and beyond.
Despite his weaknesses, David
remains “a man after God’s heart”
because of his repentant attitude
& his responsiveness to God’s will.

We’ll cover 2 Samuel in two parts
(David’s Successes & his Struggles)
over 3 weekends in 6 divisions:-
2 Sam 1-4: Divided Nation
2 Sam 5-7: United Nation
2 Sam 8-10: Expanded Nation
2 Sam 11-14: Adultery & Murder
2 Sam 15-20: Revolt & Unrest
2 Sam 21-24: David’s Last Word
Let’s meditate through 2 Samuel,
be inspired to be devoted to God &
weary of consequences of sin. Amen

Hearing God In Daniel 2 (Aug 23)

God Gives Revelation & Wisdom !!

The first 3 chapters of the book
describe the spiritual integrity
of Daniel and his three friends.
Selected for government service,
they resist the pressure to conform
to their pagan environment and
instead take a stand for God.
Whether in diet, truthfulness or
spiritual discipline, the four young
men live out their convictions.

Lord, grant us Your Revelation:
During the Night the mystery was
revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then
Daniel said: Praise be the name of
God… wisdom are His (Dan 2:19-20)
He Reveals deep and mysterious
things and knows what lies Hidden
in darkness… I thank and praise U
for You have given me Wisdom and
strength. You have told me what
we Asked of You and Revealed to us
what the king demanded (v22-23).

Lord, it seems that in the middle of
the night problems appear larger.
At those times I am reminded that
You never sleep and I can come
to You and cling to Your presence.
I pray that at those times You will
give me the treasures of darkness,
as You have spoken in Your Word.
I pray You will fill my darkness with
Your light and give me peace. Amen

Lord, I praise Your mighty name
for You are the God who has all
wisdom and power, the One who
guides even world events. You
give wisdom to the wise and You
know what is hidden in darkness
and all mysteries. Grant me Your
wisdom and strength to handle
the tricky situations each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I purpose not to lean on my
own understanding; but instead
to look to You the All Knowing One
for understanding and wisdom.
There are things we can’t know by
seeing or hearing are known by God
& U are willing to reveal them to us.
For Your Word said in 1 Cor 2 that
No eye has seen, no ear has heard
and no mind has imagined what God
has prepared for those who love Him.
His Spirit searches out everything
and shows us God’s deep secrets.
So Lord, Reveal to me those things
which only You are custodian. Amen.