Praying thro 1 Samuel 1-3 (Jul 20)

God Desires Our Devotion to Him

Israel has been ruled by judges
for over 200 yrs. Eli and Samuel
are the last of those judges.
Samuel grows up in the tabernacle
as a priest-in-training under Eli
and is well qualified to serve
Israel as both a priest and a judge.
Although the nation had fallen
away from God, it is clear that
He is preparing Samuel to lead
the nation back to right living.

Dear Lord, You are almighty and in
control to execute Your perfect plan;
and You Lord desire our Devotion
to You of our mind and our heart.
Having learn from the experience
of Hannah, priest Eli and Samuel;
we want to Pray Earnestly in faith,
we purpose to Honour You and
we aspire to have a Listening Heart.
For nothing can substitute Your
rule in our heart and life. Amen.

Lord, we will pray Ernestly In Faith:
Hannah was in deep anguish,
crying bitterly as she prayed to
the Lord. And she made this vow:
O Lord, if You will look upon my
sorrow and answer my prayer and
give me a son, then I will give him
back to You. He will be Yours for
his entire lifetime… When Elkanah
slept with Hannah, the Lord
remembered her plea and in due
time she gave birth to a son. She
named him Samuel, for she asked
the Lord for him (1 Sam 1:10-19).
Lord, Hannah so desperately
wanted a child that she was
willing to strike a bargain with You.
Although we are not in a position
to barter, You may well choose
to answer a prayer that has an
attached promise. Help us to
remember to keep our promises
when You keep Yours. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Honour You:
One day a prophet came to Eli and
gave this message from the Lord:…
I chose your ancestor Aaron… to
be My priest, to offer sacrifices on
my altar… So why do you scorn my
sacrifices and offerings? Why do
u honour your sons more than me…
I had promised that your branch
of the tribe of Levi would always be
My priests. But I will Honour only
Those who Honour me, and I will
despise those who despise me.
I will put an end to your family,
so it will no longer serve as
my priests (1 Samuel 2:25-30).
Lord, You meet the needs of those
who treat You with reverence.
Forgive me for the times when
I fail to honour You. You are the
majestic king of the universe –
high and lifted up. As I trust in You
and honour You, grant that You
fill my life with good things. Amen.

Lord, we aspire a Listening Heart:
One night, Samuel was sleeping
in the Tabernacle. Suddenly the
Lord called out: Samuel ! Yes?
Samuel replied: What is it? He
got up and ran to Eli: Here I am…
Eli realised it was the Lord who was
calling the boy. So he said to Sam
If someone calls again, say: Yes
Lord, Your servant is listening…
And the Lord came and called
as before: Samuel ! Samuel !
And Samuel replied: Yes, Your
servant is listening (1Sam 3:1-10).
Lord, listening and responding are
vital in the relationship with You.
Quieten my heart so that I can
hear You. Remove any distractions
that will keep me from being open
and attentive to what Your Spirit
is impressing on my heart. Lord,
Make me ready to Listen to You and
willing to answer obediently. Amen.

Preview On 1 Samuel

Preview On 1 Samuel (July 20)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience
before Mark on Jesus the Servant.
Then Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through Obedient Faith,
Judges that God judges against sin,
just as He restores those who repent
& Ruth on faithfulness & redemption

Following the destructive period of
the judges, Samuel – prophet & king-
maker is called by God to rebuild
Israel spiritually and politically.
In time he anoints Saul as Israel’s
first king. But Saul soon proves
unable to rule even his own heart.
Because Saul lacks a heart for God,
he is rejected by God.Samuel anoints
the young David to take Saul’s place,
which causes fierce rivalry resulting
in David’s flight into the wilderness
to escape the jealous king. The book
ends with Saul’s death – clearing
the way for David’s glorious reign.

We’ll cover the book of 1Samuel over
4 weekends in following 8 divisions:
S1-3: Samuel’s Call
S4-8: Israel’s Defeat
S9-12: Saul’s Selection
S13-15: Saul’s Rejection
S16-19: David in the Court
S20-23: David on the Run
S24-26: David’s Mercy
S27-31: Saul’s Downfall
Let’s meditate through 1 Samuel
and see that establishing monarchy
did not solve Israel’s problems.
God desires the devotion of each
person’s mind and heart to Him.
And nothing can substitute the rule
of God in our heart and life. Amen.