Hearing God In Psalm 81 (Jul 12)

Listen & Follow the Good Lord !!

The psalms of Asaph (Psa 73-83)
conclude with six testimonies to
the greatness and faithfulness of
the God of Israel. He has kept His
promises in the past (P78) which
is a comforting reminder in the face
of an uncertain future (P79-80).
God is there (Ps 81) and is not
silent (P82-83) when it comes to
overthrowing idols and enemies.

Lord, we will Listen & Follow You:
You Cried to me in trouble, and
I Saved you; I answered out of
the thundercloud and Tested
your faith when there was no
water at Meribah (Psalm 81:7).
The Lord said: Open your mouth wide
and I Will Fill it with good things (v10)
Oh, that my people wd Listen to me!
Oh, that Israel would Follow me,
walking in my path… And with
honey from the rock I would have
satisfied you (Psa 81:13-16). Amen.

Lord, we note the Israelites Accused
You at Meribah for forgetting to
take care of their needs. Likewise
at times I have been so unworthy
to have complained against You.
I may have grumbled about my
circumstances and wondered
whether I’ve forfeited Your favour.
But Lord I am exactly the kind of
person Your mercy was meant for.
As I Cry out to You, won’t You let
me Hear & See Your answers. Amen

Lord, You are the good shepherd and
has promised we shall not be in want.
Forgive me for thinking too small.
And Fill me with hope and faith
for everything You want to give,
whether they be big or small,
looks possible or impossible,
conventional or extraordinary.
For You are the God who gives
and says good things. Amen.

Lord, help us not only wanting to
hear from You but to Listen to You.
Help us not to be skeptical and
passive hearers but willing listeners.
I know You Lord value discernment
but You value trust even much more.
You urge me in Your word to walk
by faith and not by sight. And so
I purpose to commit to Listen intently
and fill me with Your holy boldness
to act on what I hear from You. Amen.