Hearing God In Psalm 37 (Jul 5)

Delight & Trust in the Lord !!

Psalms is not only a book of praise;
it is also a book of practical counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book 1
written by David, u learn how to deal
with fretfulness (Psa 37) and failing
strength (Psa 38-39); as well as
how to rest in God’s faithfulness
(Psa 40) and rightly respond to
a friend’s unfaithfulness (Psa 41).

Lord, we’ll Delight & Trust in You:
Trust in the Lord… do good;
and feed on His faithfulness.
DELIGHT yourself also in the Lord,
and He Shall Give you the desires
of your heart. COMMIT your way
to the Lord, TRUST also in Him,
and He shall bring it to pass.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently
for Him… Do not fret, it only
causes harm… But those who
Wait on the Lord, they shall inherit
the earth (Ps 37:3-9). Amen.

Lord, help me to Delight in You;
to centre my heart in knowing U
more & loving U more day by day.
Grant me grace so that my heart
Desires You above everything else.
Help me to discover that there is
fullness of joy in your presence.
And stir up holy passion within me
so that the things I want most are
the things U want to give me. Amen

Lord, help me Commit my way
to You. Give me wisdom to sort
the precious from the worthless.
Give me the knowledge of you
that causes me to cling to You.
Fashion my heart that it reflects
yours more each day. Mold me
into your likeness so that You are
the desire of my heart. Amen.

Lord, You promise to help me
if I will Trust You. It goes against
our old sinful nature to wait
on Your leading and to rely on
Your strength. The tendency is
to get busy in our own strength,
make it happen and push ahead.
Lord, change me to Trust You more,
be willing to be still in the soul to
listen to You & Wait on You. Amen.