Hearing God In Psalm 33 (Jul 4)

Trust Word of Truth & Power

Psalms 31-36 show how a proper
perspective can help you face
any circumstance; and can bring
you from gloom to glory (Ps 31),
from Failure to Forgiveness (Ps32),
from false security to Trust (Ps33),
from affliction to adoration (Ps34),
from persecution to praise (Ps35)
and from darkness to light (Ps36).

Lord, we Trust Your Word of Truth:
The word of the Lord Holds True
& we can Trust everything he does..
The earth is full of the goodness
of the Lord. By the Word of the
Lord the heavens were made…
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
Let all… stand in awe of Him.
For He Spoke, and it Was Done;
He commanded, and it stood fast…
The Lord’s plans stand firm forever;
His intentions can never be shaken.
(Psalm 33:4-11). Amen and amen.

Lord, Your Words must be handled
differently from other information.
Though we can’t be fully confident
of our interpretations, we can
wholly trust the source of the word.
Help me Lord to live as someone
who is anchored in Your reality,
never moving from Your truth
or questioning Your promises.
Thank You for the assurance that
You’ll lead me & promise me with
rock-solid & absolute truth. Amen.

Lord, thank You that we are not
helpless victim of circumstances.
But we can affect the outcomes
of our situations thro prayer and
following Your gracious leading.
And just as scripture says You
merely speak and the universe
is created, speak words of power
into our life. Speak words of change
words of fulfilment and words of
destiny so that we can truly live
the abundant life. Amen and amen.

Lord, believing You created the
world also leads us to the truth of
Your providence in ruling the world
The truth that God spoke and it
was done means U are in control
of the circumstances of our lives.
And thanks be to God that He
is working everything together
for good for us according to His
purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen.