Hearing God In Psalm 16 (Jul 1)

The Lord Shows the Way of Life

Backgrounder to Psalms 13-18:
In sharp contrast to the fate
of the fool who denies God’s
existence (Psa 14), many blessings
accrue to the one who serves God
with a whole heart: joyfulness (P13)
fellowship with God (Psa 15),
satisfaction (16), preservation (17)
& confidence in facing future (18).

Lord, You Show the Path of Life:
I will bless the Lord who has
given me counsel; my heart also
instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord always before
me; because He is at my right
hand I shall not be moved…
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures
forevermore (Psa 16:7-8, 11) Amen

Lord, thank You for the revelation
that Your inspiration often comes
to us in the very late and very early
hours when we are relaxed. For
when our thoughts aren’t in control,
God’s thoughts can flourish in us.
Lord, as I Patiently wait upon You,
let Your Spirit guide my heart.
Download Your truth into me,
show me solutions to problems,
and open my mind to Your ideas.
Give me spiritual breakthroughs
& sing deliverance over me. Amen

Lord, Your word says in your
presence is fullness of joy. And
I long for the eternal pleasures
at Your right hand in heaven. But
I know many of them begin now
on earth, and I want to experience
them fully. Please honour my
attentiveness to Your words by
giving me strong tastes of those
pleasures even in this age. Amen.

Lord, Your word says joy is a deep
pleasure of soul that comes from
living consciously in Your presence
Holy Spirit I need the joy that only
You can give. Forgive me for the
times I let circumstances control
my moods. Let me experience
Your presence today and the trill
that comes with walking with You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.