Preview on Judges

Preview on Judges (June 22)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience
before Mark on Jesus the Servant
who serve and gave His life for us.
And for the last two weekends,
we meditated on Joshua with the
theme of enjoying God’s blessing
thro obedient faith in His Promises.

In Joshua, an obedient people
conquered the land thro trust in
God’s power. By contrast in Judges
a disobedient and idolatrous people
are often defeated because of their
rebellion against God. In seven
cycles of sin, Judges show how the
nation sets aside God’s laws and
replaces them with “that which
was right in their own eyes”(21:25).
Time after time God disciplines
the nation with foreign oppression.
But national repentance leads
to deliverance as God raises up
Deborah, Gideon, Samson & others
to overthrow their oppressors.

We’ll cover the book of Judges over
3 weekends in following 6 divisions:
J1-2: Military & Spiritual Failure
J3-5: Rescue by 5 Early Judges
J6-8: Gideon and Midianites
J9-12: Seven Judges & Civil War
J13-16: Samson & the Philistines
J17-21: Idolatry and Immorality
Let’s meditate thro Judges and
be warned against compromise,
have a heart open to repentance
and be obedient to the Lord. Amen.

Hearing God In 2 Chron 20 (Jun 21)

God Speaks Through Prophets

King Jehoshaphat knows that
the key to spiritual revival in the
nation is a renewed interest in and
commitment to the law of the Lord.
He institutes a nationwide Scripture
study program which God richly
blesses with peace and prosperity.
In contrast to his predecessors,
Jehoshaphat manages to make
peace with the king of Israel.
But a friendly visit nearly costs
his life as he becomes entangled
in a war between Israel and Syria.

Lord, You do Speak thro Prophets:
Jehoshaphat said: we have no
power against this great multitude..
nor do we know what to do; but our
eyes are Upon You (2 Chron 20:12)
Then the Spirit of the Lord came
upon Jahaziel a Levite. And he said:
Listen, all u of Judah…and you King
Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord:
Do not be afraid… for the battle
is Not Yours, but God’s… Position
yourself, stand still and see the
salvation of the Lord! (v14-17).
And Jehoshaphat said: Believe in
the Lord your God & you shall be
established; believe His prophets,
and you shall prosper (v20). Amen

Lord, praise You for mighty power
and You have everything in control.
And You are mighty to secure me
against any threat to my security.
Even as You assisted Jehoshaphat
in a mighty victory, surely You
are absolutely able and willing to
sustain and keep me from falling.
And I ascribe to You all majesty &
glory, all power and authority. Amen

Lord, make clear what You are
saying thro Your prophets & people
And if I err in understanding You,
may it be on the side of belief
rather than on mere skepticism.
Give me the boldness to take
steps of faith. Help me to be
discerning without overanalysing.
Help me trust Your ability to lead.
And Show me the path to success
in all Your purposes so that I can
proceed with confidence. Amen.

In heavenly armour
we’ll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord.
No weapon that’s fashioned
against us shall stand
The battle belongs to the Lord.
We sing glory and honor
Power & strength to the Lord (x2)
When your enemy presses
in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord.
Take courage my friend,
your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord.
We sing glory and honor
Power & strength to the Lord. Amen

Hearing God In 1 Chron 14 (Jun 20)

Inquiring & Hearing Before Doing

The ark of covenant is prominent
in Chronicles being mentioned
more than 40 times. So the events
surrounding the journey of the ark
to Jerusalem consume three full
chapters in 13-15. The lesson
is clear: The right action must
be done with the right motives
and carried out in the right way.
When the ark is at last installed
in Jerusalem, David leads the
people in national celebration.

Lord, we’ll Inquire & Hear from You:
The Philistines had arrived in the
valley of Rephaim and raided it.
So David ASKED God: Should I go
out to fight the Philistines? Will You
hand them over to me? The Lord
replied: Yes, go ahead. I will give
you the victory… But after a while,
the Philistines returned and raided
the valley again. And once again
David ASKED God what to do.
Do not attack them straight on,
God replied. Instead, circle around
behind them and attack them near
the balsam trees (1 Chron 14:9-14).

Lord, I ask You concerning my
situation that I am facing. I don’t
want to run ahead of Your plan.
I want to follow David’s example
and seek Your wisdom first in the
matter. Only then can I be sure
that I will be following Your plan.
And guide my actions O Lord
by Your wisdom and truth. Amen.

Lord, You are the one who knows
everything whilst I do not at all.
Questions of what, how and when.
And I need to learn to Seek Your
advice in life’s decision and lead
me down the path to recovery and
into a life of integrity and purpose.
Rescue me from inner turmoil and
Teach me Lord to ask U questions
that begin with: Should l…? Amen.

Lord, I pray that I will always inquire
of You first before I take action.
I don’t want to assume that just
because You had instructed me
in a certain fashion before, that
U will instruct me in the same way
each time I am faced with a similar
situation. I don’t want to mistakenly
think I have all the answers when
only You have all the answers
for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Hearing God In 1 Chron 4 (Jun 19)

Be Bold to Seek & Ask God

Chronicles give a priestly account
on the history of God’s people,
a sort of divine commentary on
the kingdom period. It carefully
weds the nation’s history with the
active hand of God in Israel’s affairs
Chronicles centers on the southern
kingdom of Judah. First Chronicles
opens with a lengthy genealogy
tracing the line of David all the way
back to Adam. The genealogies
provide clear evidence of God
at work throughout history, by
selecting a people for Himself and
then protecting a family within
that people to provide leadership.

Lord, we Boldly Seek & Ask You:
The sons of Judah were Perez,
Hezron, Carmi, Hur and Shobai…
Now Jabez was more honourable
than his brothers, and his mother
called his name Jabez, saying:
“Because I bore him in pain.” And
Jabez called on the God of Israel
saying: “Oh, that You would bless
me indeed & enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me &
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!”
So God granted him what he
requested. (1 Chron 4:1, 9-10).

Lord, thank You for putting Jabez
and his prayer in the scripture.
Thank You for loving us and for
being just as accessible to us
as You were to Jabez. Thank You
have wondrous good plans for us
and that through prayer we can
appropriate them and cooperate
with You God in bringing them.
Let me never take the privilege
of prayer for granted. And thank
You for hearing my prayers. Amen.

Lord, I thank You for all that You
have given me. I pray for Your
continued blessings, provision
and protection. I pray that Your
presence will always be with me
wherever I go and no matter
what happens. Thank You that
You are pleased to share Yourself
and Your kingdom with me. And
Enable me to give back to You by
helping and blessing others. Amen.

Lord, I would love an easy life,
free of trouble, grief and confusion.
But You have not promised such
an existence. For Your goal for
us is not purely earthly bliss, but
Your glory brought about through
our maturity. So Lord, give me
wisdom and courage so that I am
willing to walk with You wherever
You lead. Trust that when I seek
You and Your kingdom, all these
things will also be given. Amen.

Hearing God In 2 Kgs 3 (Jun 18)

Music Removes Hearing Block

2 Kings can be summarised in
a verse: In those days the Lord
began to cut Israel short (10:32).
The downward spiral that begun
in 1 Kings now accelerates as one
bad king after another accedes
to the throne. Standing in the
path of this downward trend are
the prophets who speak for God.
Calling upon the God of Elijah,
Elisha watches as God sends
waterlogged valleys as a sign to
Jehoram, and blood-red water
signalling defeat for Moab.

Lord, with music we draw near to U:
So the king of Israel went with the
king of Judah and the king of Edom
and they marched… seven days;
& there was no water for the army…
And the king of Israel said: the Lord
has called these 3 kings together
to deliver them into hands of Moab.
But Jehoshaphat said: Is there no
prophet of the Lord here that we
may inquire of the Lord by him?
So one of the servants of the king
of Israel answered: Elisha is here…
Now bring me a musician. Then
it happened, when the musician
played, that the hand of the Lord
came upon him (2 Kings 3:9-15).

Lord, just as Your presence can
often be experienced thro music,
Elisha needs a harpist in order
to hear from You. We realise that
God speaks to our intuitive side
more often than to our logical,
skeptical side. So, even as we
approach You in faith with music,
we trust Your Spirit will connect
with us at a creative level & reveal
Your words for us in season. Amen

Lord, just as Elisha hear U better
when the harpist was playing,
trust the music we play will also
activate our spiritual perceptions.
So sensitize me to Your presence
and awaken my heart to know when
You are speaking creatively to me.
Trust that when I am open to know
You beyond my own understanding,
You will open to me and free me
to experience You in any way You
want to be experienced. Amen.

Lord, my emotions, anxious
thoughts and mental strategies
often block my listening ear,
and music removes the blocks.
When I surround myself with the
language of music and rhythm,
let it open my spirit to hear the
language of Your heart to me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In 1 Kgs 19 (Jun 17)

Be Alert to the Varied Voice of God

I Kings 15 begins a pattern that
will extend throughout the rest of
1 and 2 Kings. The writer flip-flops
in his account between the nations
of Israel and Judah. He traces
the parallel stories of two nations
in spiritual decline, taking time
occasionally to highlight a prophet
or a king who contributes greatly
to the spiritual rise or fall of one
of the nations. Today we centre
around Elijah the prophet who
courageously faces a heathen
Israelite king and 850 pagan
prophets of Baal, only to flee
for his life from Queen Jezebel.

Lord, we’ll Be Alert to Your Voice:
As Elijah stood there, the Lord
passed by and a mighty windstorm
hit the mountain. It was such a
terrible blast that the rocks were
torn loose, but the Lord was not
in the wind. After the wind there
was an earthquake, but the
Lord was not in the earthquake.
And after the earthquake there
was a fire, but the Lord was not
in the fire. And after the fire
there was the sound of a gentle
whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12).

Lord, we note centuries earlier,
that You had spoken to Moses
amid thunder & lightning, a thick
cloud of smoke & a blast of a horn.
Now in the very same mountain,
Elijah facing similar phenomena,
yet he hears God’s voice only in
the gentle whisper. That shows
that You have different ways of
dealing with people at different
times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, you are sovereign and your
communication to us is varied and
we can’t focus on particular mode.
Help me to be ready for what You
want to say, however You want
to say it. Help me to remain Alert
to Your voice in all of its forms.
Make my spirit to be sensitive
to You at all times. Shout to me,
whisper to me, speak however
You want, for I am listening. Amen.

Lord, I really want to hear from
You more often that ever before.
I am willing to risk failure and
believe that I have heard. Help me
to discern which whispers are
Yours and which are not Yours.
But let me never be so “discerning”
that I deny Your voice along with
others. Please Lord give me ears.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Praying thro Joshua 22-24 (Jun 16)

Challenge to Follow & Serve God

After commended for conquering
land of Canaan, the warriors of the
tribes east of Jordan are sent home
Recognising the Jordan River may
divide the tribes, a memorial altar
is built on the riverbank – an act
misunderstood & civil war nearly
breaks out before the motive for
altar was revealed. The book ends
with Joshua’s farewell address
in which he gives the people an
ultimatum: Choose you this day
whom you will for me and
my house, we will serve the Lord.

Lord, thanks for preparing promised
inheritance and assignment for us.
Help us to be Faithful People:
Help us to Heed Yr Word & Love U:
Help us to Follow & Serve You:
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will be Faithful People:
Then Joshua called the Reubenites
the Gadites & half of Manasseh,
and said to them: You have kept
all that Moses commanded You…
You have not left your brethren…
And now go to the land of your
possession… But take careful heed
to love the Lord your God,
to walk in all His ways,
to keep His commandments,
to hold fast to Him & to serve Him
with all your heart (Josh 22:1-5).
Lord, help us to be faithful people
like the eastern tribes of Israel.
I pray that as my years advance,
let me become more open, more
faithful and more trusting in You.
Let me not be distracted by lesser
things from what is truly important.
Lord, renew my passion for You;
and renew my commitment to You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Heed Yr Word & Love U:
Be very courageous to keep and
do all that is written in the Book
of Law lest you turn aside from it
but you shall hold fast to the Lord
your God as you have done to this
day. (And) no one has been able
to stand against you to this day…
Therefore take careful heed that
you love the Lord (Josh 23:6-11).
Lord, help us heed the warning
for we are forgetful people and
extremely prone to stumble.
Help us be alert of our weak spots,
and help us overcome temptations.
Help us to be discipline in our
devotional life with You and
help us Love You deeply. Amen.

Lord, we’ll choose to Serve You:
Joshua said: So honor the Lord
and serve Him wholeheartedly.
Put away forever the idols (and)
Serve the Lord alone. But if you
are unwilling to serve the Lord,
then choose today whom you
will serve… But as for me and
my family, we will serve the Lord.
The people replied: We would
never forsake the Lord & worship
other gods (Joshua 24:14-16).
Lord, I remember the times that
you healed me, guided me and
pushed obstacles out of my way.
Thank you for allowing me to
lead others. I pray that those who
look to me for leadership will be
drawn to You. Help them choose
to serve You and no other. Amen.

Praying thro Joshua 13-21 (Jun 15)

Faith In God Results In Fulfilment

After seven years of battle, Israel
gained control of the land, which
was then divided and allotted to
the tribes. Joshua dismisses the
army, for it was now each tribe’s
responsibility to clear out the
remaining enemies from their areas.
Joshua continues to encourage
the people to remain faithful to
God so they can remain in the land.

Dear Lord, thank U for preparing
the promised land for each of us.
Help us Accept Your Assignment.
Help us Look thro Eyes of Faith.
Help us choose to Persevere,
knowing Your Promises Will Be
Fulfilled. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we Accept Your Assignment:
When Joshua was an old man,
the Lord said to him: Much land
remains to be conquered…
All the regions of the Philistines
and the Geshurites. Northward
includes the territory of the
five Philistine rulers of Gaza…
all the land of the Canaanites…
and the Lebanon area to the east.
I myself will drive these people
out of the land… So be sure
to give this land to Israel as a
special possession (Jos 13:1-6).
Lord, just as the Israelites, we
still face the trials and fight the
battles of unconquered land.
Reveal the promised land You
have given us to conquer which
can include undone good works,
unmet needs as well as unused
talents and resources. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Look thro Eyes of Faith:
Caleb: My brethren who went up
with me made the heart of the
people melt, but I wholly followed
the Lord My God. So Moses
swore: Surely the land where
your foot has trodden shall be
your inheritance & your children
forever because you gave wholly
followed the Lord. Here I am this
day 85 years old… Give me this
mountain. The Lord will be with
me and I shall be able to drive
the Anakim out as the Lord said.
Hebron therefore became the
inheritance of Caleb as he wholly
followed the Lord (Jos 14:8-14).
Lord, we admire & aspire Caleb’s
tenacious belief in God’s Word.
Holy Spirit, empower us to take
steps to develop Caleb character
and grant us his determination to
follow God wholeheartedly. Amen

Lord,Your Promises Will Be Fulfilled:
The Lord gave to Israel all the land
he had sworn to their ancestors
and they took possession of it and
settled there…Not a single one of
all the good promises the Lord had
given to the family of Israel was
left unfulfilled, everything He had
spoken came true (Jos 21:43-45)
Lord, our hearts & minds can be
so captivated with the here & now.
Help us lift our eyes to promised
inheritance for You are faithful God.
You mean what You say and will
do all that You have promised.
Give us the faith to believe You
will fulfil everything that You have
spoken to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Hearing God In 2 Sam 12 (Jun 14)

God Uses Someone to Tell You

At a time when David should
have been on the field of battle,
he finds himself instead on the
roof of the palace. A casual glance,
a lustful thought, an inquiry and
the king of Israel set in motion
a chain of events that culminates
in adultery and murder. God then
Sends Nathan To David to uncover
the whole ugly scheme; and David
Repents & Receives Forgiveness.

Lord, we Seek Your Forgiveness:
The Lord sent Nathan to David…
So David’s anger was greatly
aroused… and he said to Nathan:
As the Lord lives, the man who
has done this shall surely die!…
Then Nathan said to David:
You are the man… Why have you
despised the commandment of
the Lord, to do evil in His sight…
So David said to Nathan: I have
sinned against the Lord. And
Nathan said to David: The Lord
also has Put Away your sin;
you shall not die (2Sam 12:1-13).

Lord, thank you for your tender
mercies and forgiving spirit that
was shown clearly when You put
away David’s sin & spare his life
despite serious transgressions
including adultery, false witness,
abusing of power and murder.
We purpose that when we fall
into sin, that we will not hide
but come to You in repentance
that we may receive mercy. Amen.

Gracious Lord, have mercy upon
me; blot out my transgressions;
and cleanse me from my sin. For
I acknowledge my transgressions
and my sin is always before me.
Against U have I sinned and done
this unrighteousness in Your sight.
Create in me a clean heart O God
& renew steadfast spirit within me.
And restore to me the joy of Your
salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, when I sin, You do not want
promises or attempts at penance.
Rather U want me to wrestle with
the gravity of what I have done;
humbly come to U acknowledging
the wrong done and expressing
the desire to avoid such reckless
behaviour in the future. Gracious
Lord, Forgive me, restore me and
change me. And I want to be a
person after your own heart. Amen

Hearing God In 2 Sam 6 (Jun 13)

When God Says No to You

After years of running from Saul,
David is finally crowned over
the tribe of Judah. Rest of Israel
however followed Saul’s son Ish-
Bosheth. David did not attempt to
take the tribes by force but placed
the matter in God’s hands. After
a few years Ish-Bosheth was
assassinated and the rest of the
tribes finally put their support
behind David. David then moved
the capital to Jerusalem, defeated
surrounding nations and even
showed kindness to Saul’s family.

Lord, we’ll Submit to Your Will:
Nathan replied to the king: Go
ahead and do whatever you have
in mind for the Lord is with you.
But that same night the Lord said
to Nathan: Go and tell my servant
David: This is what the Lord has
declared: Are you the one to build
a house for me (2 Sam 7:3-5)…
When your days are over and you
rest with your fathers, I will raise
up your offspring to succeed you…
and I will establish his kingdom.
He is the one who will build a
house for my Name (v12-13).     Your house and your kingdom     will continue for all time, and your throne will be secure forever (v16).

Lord, we realise when we listen
for Your voice, sometimes we may
misunderstand some things. But
trust that You are okay with that.
Thank You for the grace and
patience as I learn Your voice.
Help me learn to recognise it
immediately. And guide me clearly
when I don’t. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, I trust You and accept Your
answers to my prayers, even when
the answer is not what I want.
Help me to always understand
Your will, especially when the
answers to my prayers are not
what I expected they would be.
I’m grateful that You know what is
best for me and will not allow me to
seek after things I shouldn’t. Amen.

Lord, when You says no, it does
not mean You don’t care for us.
It may mean You have a greater
purpose and know the outcome;
or what we ask for may be unwise
or second-best or may be wrong.
So Lord when You say no, help us
to trust Your wisdom; for You
may be signaling a yes in another
direction. And we look forward to
the good that You will send. Amen.