Praying thro Judges 9-12 (Jun 30)

Respect Our Sovereign God !!

After Gideon’s death, one of his
sons Abimelech has such strong
aspirations for his father’s position
that he attempts to murder his 69
brothers. His rush actions are a
prelude to 3 stormy years in power
– a reign cut short by a divinely
guided millstone. By contrast,
Jephthah, the illegitimate son
of a harlot, zealously leads Israel
in the ways of God – though his
zeal also gets him into trouble!

Lord, we acknowledge that You
are the Sovereign God and has
a perfect plan for your people.
Grant us the grace to respect
and honour you in every way.
Help us to Wait upon You while
trusting You for deliverance.
Help us to Serve You only and to
repent of idols and get rid of them.
Help us be mindful and respectful
when making promises to You. And
we look forward that Yr purposes
for Your people be fulfilled. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait for Your Timing:
Gideon’ son Abimelech went to
his father’s home and killed all 70
of his half brothers… Then the
citizens of Shechem & Bethmillo
made Abimelech their king (J9:5-6)
After Abimelech reigned Israel
three years, God sent a spirit of ill
will between between Abimelech
and men of Shechem that the crime
done to the 70 might be settled.
And when the men of Israel saw
that Abimelech was dead, they
departed. Thus God repaid the
wickedness of Abimelech (v55-56).
Lord, sometimes we wonder why
evil seems to prevail and God did
not punish evil and restore justice.
But we realise God often spares
immediate punishment and allows
people time to turn from their sins.
And trusting God for justice also
means waiting for His timing. Amen.

Lord, we will Serve You only:
But the Israelites said to the Lord:
We have sinned. Do with us
whatever you think best, but
please rescue us now. Then they
got rid of the foreign gods among
them and served the Lord. And
he could bear Israel’s misery
no longer (Jdgs 10:15-16).
Lord, I don’t want anything to
separate me from You. Nothing
is worth that. I want to confess
to You anything I’ve done wrong
and anything that is not pleasing
in your eyes. Wherever I have
worshiped other gods or an idol,
reveal it to me and I will confess
it, repent of it and get rid of it.
For I want to serve only you. Amen

Lord, we respectfully Promise You:
Jephthah made a vow to the Lord.
He said: If you give me victory
over the Ammonites, I will give
to the Lord the first thing coming
out of my house to greet me when
I return in triumph. I will sacrifice it
as a burnt offering (Jdgs 11:29-30)
When Jephthah returned home
to Mispah, his daughter – his
only child – ran out to meet him…
When he saw her, he tore his
clothes in anguish (v34-35).
Lord, we learnt from this episode
of the need to be respectfully
mindful when making vows to You
even as an expression of gratitude.
For what we solemnly vow to God,
we must perform, if it be lawful,
though so difficult to us. Amen.