Praying thro Judges 6-8 (Jun 29)

Trustworthy Lord Will Save You !!

Midian’s oppression is severe, and
Gideon is God’s man to lead the
people in throwing off that yoke of
bondage – an assignment Gideon
is not anxious to accept! But once
convinced of his calling through
two miraculous signs, Gideon
leads a humble army of 300 men,
equipped only with pitchers,
torches & trumpets, in a stunning
victory against the mighty Midianite
forces. Israel’s unusual weapons
and battle plan leave no room for
doubt: The victory is the Lord’s!

Lord, we learnt from Judges the
danger of living with compromises.
Rather than living in a virtuous
cycle, help us Lord seek to live
a consistent life of faithfulness.
Grant us grace even as we purpose
to Seek Your Presence & Power;
to Learn to Put our Trust on U and
to Submit to Your Kingly Rule;
for You will Save Your people.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Presence:
When the angel of the LORD
appeared to Gideon, he said: The
LORD Is With you, mighty warrior.
But Gideon replied, if the LORD is
with us, why has all this happened
to us? Where are all his wonders?
Now the Lord has abandoned us
and put us into the hands of Midian.
The LORD turned to him and said:
Go in the Strength you Have and
Save Israel out of Midian’s hand.
Am I not sending you?… I Will Be
With you, and you will strike down
all the Midianites (Jdgs 6:12-16).
Lord, we agree that You are with
us and that victory does not lie in
our own adequacy or abilities, but
in Your presence & power. Amen.

Lord, we will learn to Trust You:
The Lord said to Gideon: You
have too many warriors with you.
If I let you fight the Midianites, the
Israelites will boast that they saved
themselves by their own strength.
Therefore, tell the people: Whoever
is afraid may leave… 22,000 went
home,leaving only 10,000 who were
willing to fight. But the Lord told
Gideon: There are still too many!…
By the 300 men who lapped I will
Save you & deliver the Midianites
into your hand (Judges 7:2-7).
Lord, when we face overwhelming
odds, it’s just perfect for U to act.
For it is in those times that we
like Gideon will learn to trust You.
Many times we’ve felt there was no
way out, only to discover that You
were making a way for us. Amen.

Lord, we will Submit to Your Rule:
The Israelites said to Gideon: Be
our ruler!.. for you have rescued
us from Midian. But Gideon replied
I will not rule over you… The Lord
will rule over you! However, I do
have one request – that each of you
give me an erring from the plunder
you collected (Judges 8:22-24).
Lord, we have been blessed with
good shepherds who watch over
the sheep in their care. But we
realise that at some point they
may disappoint by failing to be all
You intend them to be. So Guard
our hearts from cynicism. And we
give You praise and adoration for
You indeed are our true ruler who
will never fail or disappoint. Amen.