Hearing God In Ezra 8 (Jun 24)

Power of Fasting & Prayer

The first six chapters chronicle
the ministry of Zerubbabel in
rebuilding the temple; now c7-10
introduces a priest named Ezra
whom God uses to rebuild the
spiritual condition of the people.
The people have a house for God
but not a heart of God. Ezra
realises revival must begin a
national return to the statutes of
God as contained in the Mosaic law.

Lord, we’ll Seek thro Fast & Prayer:
By the Ahava Canal, I (Ezra) gave
orders for all of us to Fast and
Humble ourselves before our God
to Seek fr Him the Right Way for us.
For I was ashamed to ask the king
for soldiers… to protect us from
enemies along the way. After all,
we had told the king: Our God’s
hand of protection is on all who
worship Him… So we Fasted and
earnestly Prayed that our God
would take care of us, and He
heard our prayer (Ezra 8:21-23).

Lord, we note Ezra and the people
Humbled themselves by Fasting
and praying. Fasting humbled the
people because going without food
was a reminder of their complete
dependence on God. Fasting also
free up time to think about God
and to pray to Him earnestly.
And serious prayer puts us in
touch with God’s will for our lives
& can change our hearts & minds.
Grant us grace to fast & pray. Amen

Lord, Help me fast & pray regularly.
Show me how often and how long
and give me the strength to get
through each fast successfully.
With every fast, help me to pray
about the issues of my situation
and direction in my life. For I need
to deny my flesh so that I can
hear from You clearly and exalt
You above everything else. Amen.

Lord, we know the need to fast to
focus attention & dependence on U
It’s a statement that Your presence
and direction are more important
to us than the food we need; and
our priorities to hear Your voice.
I’ll purpose to forsake my physical
need for food for a time in order
to heighten my spiritual senses. So
Amplify Your voice during this time,
hear my cries and lead me in the
Right way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.