Hearing God In 1 Chron 14 (Jun 20)

Inquiring & Hearing Before Doing

The ark of covenant is prominent
in Chronicles being mentioned
more than 40 times. So the events
surrounding the journey of the ark
to Jerusalem consume three full
chapters in 13-15. The lesson
is clear: The right action must
be done with the right motives
and carried out in the right way.
When the ark is at last installed
in Jerusalem, David leads the
people in national celebration.

Lord, we’ll Inquire & Hear from You:
The Philistines had arrived in the
valley of Rephaim and raided it.
So David ASKED God: Should I go
out to fight the Philistines? Will You
hand them over to me? The Lord
replied: Yes, go ahead. I will give
you the victory… But after a while,
the Philistines returned and raided
the valley again. And once again
David ASKED God what to do.
Do not attack them straight on,
God replied. Instead, circle around
behind them and attack them near
the balsam trees (1 Chron 14:9-14).

Lord, I ask You concerning my
situation that I am facing. I don’t
want to run ahead of Your plan.
I want to follow David’s example
and seek Your wisdom first in the
matter. Only then can I be sure
that I will be following Your plan.
And guide my actions O Lord
by Your wisdom and truth. Amen.

Lord, You are the one who knows
everything whilst I do not at all.
Questions of what, how and when.
And I need to learn to Seek Your
advice in life’s decision and lead
me down the path to recovery and
into a life of integrity and purpose.
Rescue me from inner turmoil and
Teach me Lord to ask U questions
that begin with: Should l…? Amen.

Lord, I pray that I will always inquire
of You first before I take action.
I don’t want to assume that just
because You had instructed me
in a certain fashion before, that
U will instruct me in the same way
each time I am faced with a similar
situation. I don’t want to mistakenly
think I have all the answers when
only You have all the answers
for my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.