Hearing God In 2 Kgs 3 (Jun 18)

Music Removes Hearing Block

2 Kings can be summarised in
a verse: In those days the Lord
began to cut Israel short (10:32).
The downward spiral that begun
in 1 Kings now accelerates as one
bad king after another accedes
to the throne. Standing in the
path of this downward trend are
the prophets who speak for God.
Calling upon the God of Elijah,
Elisha watches as God sends
waterlogged valleys as a sign to
Jehoram, and blood-red water
signalling defeat for Moab.

Lord, with music we draw near to U:
So the king of Israel went with the
king of Judah and the king of Edom
and they marched… seven days;
& there was no water for the army…
And the king of Israel said: the Lord
has called these 3 kings together
to deliver them into hands of Moab.
But Jehoshaphat said: Is there no
prophet of the Lord here that we
may inquire of the Lord by him?
So one of the servants of the king
of Israel answered: Elisha is here…
Now bring me a musician. Then
it happened, when the musician
played, that the hand of the Lord
came upon him (2 Kings 3:9-15).

Lord, just as Your presence can
often be experienced thro music,
Elisha needs a harpist in order
to hear from You. We realise that
God speaks to our intuitive side
more often than to our logical,
skeptical side. So, even as we
approach You in faith with music,
we trust Your Spirit will connect
with us at a creative level & reveal
Your words for us in season. Amen

Lord, just as Elisha hear U better
when the harpist was playing,
trust the music we play will also
activate our spiritual perceptions.
So sensitize me to Your presence
and awaken my heart to know when
You are speaking creatively to me.
Trust that when I am open to know
You beyond my own understanding,
You will open to me and free me
to experience You in any way You
want to be experienced. Amen.

Lord, my emotions, anxious
thoughts and mental strategies
often block my listening ear,
and music removes the blocks.
When I surround myself with the
language of music and rhythm,
let it open my spirit to hear the
language of Your heart to me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.