Hearing God In 1 Kgs 19 (Jun 17)

Be Alert to the Varied Voice of God

I Kings 15 begins a pattern that
will extend throughout the rest of
1 and 2 Kings. The writer flip-flops
in his account between the nations
of Israel and Judah. He traces
the parallel stories of two nations
in spiritual decline, taking time
occasionally to highlight a prophet
or a king who contributes greatly
to the spiritual rise or fall of one
of the nations. Today we centre
around Elijah the prophet who
courageously faces a heathen
Israelite king and 850 pagan
prophets of Baal, only to flee
for his life from Queen Jezebel.

Lord, we’ll Be Alert to Your Voice:
As Elijah stood there, the Lord
passed by and a mighty windstorm
hit the mountain. It was such a
terrible blast that the rocks were
torn loose, but the Lord was not
in the wind. After the wind there
was an earthquake, but the
Lord was not in the earthquake.
And after the earthquake there
was a fire, but the Lord was not
in the fire. And after the fire
there was the sound of a gentle
whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12).

Lord, we note centuries earlier,
that You had spoken to Moses
amid thunder & lightning, a thick
cloud of smoke & a blast of a horn.
Now in the very same mountain,
Elijah facing similar phenomena,
yet he hears God’s voice only in
the gentle whisper. That shows
that You have different ways of
dealing with people at different
times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, you are sovereign and your
communication to us is varied and
we can’t focus on particular mode.
Help me to be ready for what You
want to say, however You want
to say it. Help me to remain Alert
to Your voice in all of its forms.
Make my spirit to be sensitive
to You at all times. Shout to me,
whisper to me, speak however
You want, for I am listening. Amen.

Lord, I really want to hear from
You more often that ever before.
I am willing to risk failure and
believe that I have heard. Help me
to discern which whispers are
Yours and which are not Yours.
But let me never be so “discerning”
that I deny Your voice along with
others. Please Lord give me ears.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.