Praying thro Joshua 13-21 (Jun 15)

Faith In God Results In Fulfilment

After seven years of battle, Israel
gained control of the land, which
was then divided and allotted to
the tribes. Joshua dismisses the
army, for it was now each tribe’s
responsibility to clear out the
remaining enemies from their areas.
Joshua continues to encourage
the people to remain faithful to
God so they can remain in the land.

Dear Lord, thank U for preparing
the promised land for each of us.
Help us Accept Your Assignment.
Help us Look thro Eyes of Faith.
Help us choose to Persevere,
knowing Your Promises Will Be
Fulfilled. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we Accept Your Assignment:
When Joshua was an old man,
the Lord said to him: Much land
remains to be conquered…
All the regions of the Philistines
and the Geshurites. Northward
includes the territory of the
five Philistine rulers of Gaza…
all the land of the Canaanites…
and the Lebanon area to the east.
I myself will drive these people
out of the land… So be sure
to give this land to Israel as a
special possession (Jos 13:1-6).
Lord, just as the Israelites, we
still face the trials and fight the
battles of unconquered land.
Reveal the promised land You
have given us to conquer which
can include undone good works,
unmet needs as well as unused
talents and resources. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Look thro Eyes of Faith:
Caleb: My brethren who went up
with me made the heart of the
people melt, but I wholly followed
the Lord My God. So Moses
swore: Surely the land where
your foot has trodden shall be
your inheritance & your children
forever because you gave wholly
followed the Lord. Here I am this
day 85 years old… Give me this
mountain. The Lord will be with
me and I shall be able to drive
the Anakim out as the Lord said.
Hebron therefore became the
inheritance of Caleb as he wholly
followed the Lord (Jos 14:8-14).
Lord, we admire & aspire Caleb’s
tenacious belief in God’s Word.
Holy Spirit, empower us to take
steps to develop Caleb character
and grant us his determination to
follow God wholeheartedly. Amen

Lord,Your Promises Will Be Fulfilled:
The Lord gave to Israel all the land
he had sworn to their ancestors
and they took possession of it and
settled there…Not a single one of
all the good promises the Lord had
given to the family of Israel was
left unfulfilled, everything He had
spoken came true (Jos 21:43-45)
Lord, our hearts & minds can be
so captivated with the here & now.
Help us lift our eyes to promised
inheritance for You are faithful God.
You mean what You say and will
do all that You have promised.
Give us the faith to believe You
will fulfil everything that You have
spoken to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen