Hearing God In Numbers 14 (Jun 4)

Choosing Faith In God, Not Doubt

Following the Lord’s instructions,
Moses selects one rep from each
of the 12 tribes to form a scouting
party. Their assignment: to spy out
the defenses of the land and bring
back a sample of the produce.
The 12 return with a divided report!
Ten see only the obstacles while
two see opportunities. The nation
disheartened & faithless, threatens
to stone Moses and return to Egypt
rather than face what lies ahead.
As a result, God condemns that
unbelieving generation to forty
years wandering the wilderness.
Lord,help us see thro Eyes of Faith.
Help us not treat U with Contempt.
Help us Not to Doubt You. Amen.

Lord,we’ll Choose Faith Not Doubt:
Two of men who had explored the
land, Joshua and Caleb, said to
the community of Israel: The land
we explored is a wonderful land!
And if the Lord is pleased with us,
He will bring us safely into that land
and give it to us… Do not rebel
against the Lord and don’t be
afraid of the people of the land…
The Lord is with us (Num 14:6-9).
The Lord said to Moses: How long
will these people treat me with
contempt? Will they never believe
Me, even after all the miraculous
signs I’ve done among them (v11).
I have forgiven them as you asked.
Because these men who have seen
My glory and the signs I did in
Egypt and in the wilderness and
have put Me to the test 10 times
and have not heeded My voice,
they shall not see the land which
I swore to their fathers (N14:19-23)

Lord, open my spiritual eyes to
see those exceedingly good things
in my path. Forgive me for focusing
on the problems around me.
As I keep my eyes on You and
the purpose You’ve put before me,
may I go forth in faith, not in fear,
so that I don’t miss the beauty
and blessings each day. Amen.

Lord, it is so easy to let our
hearts be affected by negativity.
And I confess that I tend to live
by sight and not by faith. Please
help me reverse that tendency.
I purpose to hang on to Your truth,
even when it may contradict
the visible world and circumstance.
For I want to be a believer in
every way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, just as U delivered Your pple
out of Egypt, and You forgave them
and provided what they needed
every step of the way, I turn to You
for deliverance & forgiveness & ask
that You will provide for my needs.
Help me to never doubt that
You will always give me the
light I need for each step I take.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.