Praying thro Mark 11-13 (June 1)

Faith that Believes, Loves & Acts

The final week of Jesus’ earthly
life occupies more space in gospel
than other stages of Jesus’ ministry
His arrival in Jerusalem coincides
with the preparations for the Feast
of Passover. Though events move
quickly, Jesus is never hurried.
There is time to clean the temple,
watch widow contributes her mites
& give final instructions to disciples

Lord Jesus, You had all the power
of the Almighty God; raising the
dead, giving sight to the blind
and calming stormy seas. But
with all this power, You came to
mankind as a servant. Help us
Lord to use Your life as a pattern
& inspiration for how to live today.
Help us to have Faith & Not Doubt.
Help us to Love Wholeheartedly.
Help us Prepare for Yr Return.Amen

Lord, we’ll have Faith & Not Doubt:
Jesus said: Have faith in God.
For assuredly I say to you,
whoever says to this mountain,
be removed and be cast into
the sea and does not doubt,
but believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says. So, You can pray
for anything, and if you believe,
you will have it (Mk 11:22-24).
Lord, I have faith in You, the
Almighty, all loving faithful God.
And I believe that You reward
those who diligently seek You.
Lord, I place this issue before
You in faith and without doubt
and seeking Your face and will.
Your Word says if I ask anything
according to Your will, you hear
me and I can have what I ask of U.
Into your hand I surrender. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Love U Wholeheartedly:
(A teacher of religious law asked
Jesus): Of all the commandments
which is the most important?
Jesus replied: You must love
the Lord your God with all
your heart, all your soul, all
your mind and all your strength.
The second is equally important:
Love your neighbour as yourself.
No other commandment is greater
than these (Mark 12:28-31).
Lord, I am often too busy and
distracted to remember the most
important thing of all: Your love.
Help me to lay aside all else and
order my day around my love
for You. Teach me how to love
You and how to love people as
Christ loves them. As You fill me
with Your love, lead me to those
who need to know Your love. Amen

Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return:
Everyone will see the Son of Man
coming on the clouds with great
power and glory. And He will send
out his angels to gather his chosen
ones from all over the world.
(Mk13:26-27). Since u don’t know
when (these things) will happen,
stay alert & keep watch. Don’t
let him find you sleeping when he
arrives without warning (v33-36)
Lord Jesus, U promised to come
back for your church. Help me
to be diligent while I anticipate
that day. For I need to share the
Good News with loved ones and
others who don’t know You yet.
Prepare their hearts to receive
that message. Help me not to
lose sight of what You have called
me to do while I am here on earth
and to wait for Your return with
hope and expectation. Amen.