Preview On Deuteronomy

Preview On Deuteronomy

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
But we will meditate the Bible
chronologically to get a better
appreciation of the flow esp OT.
We start with Genesis which
enfolds God’s plan for his creation.
Then we meditated on Job on the
sovereignty of God in the time of
Abraham; before covering Exodus
on Israel’s deliverance from Egypt
& Leviticus focusing on Holy Living.
And in last three weekends of
meditation in Numbers, we see
Israel being trained in obedience.

Next, we conclude the five books
of Laws with Deuteronomy,
composed mainly of three orations
by Moses, which essentially is
a review of the law given in Exodus.
Here Moses recounts God’s past
dealings with His people and
prepares the nation for its arrival
in the Promised Land. Moses
stresses holiness as a way of life
and reminds the people of the
necessity of obedience to God.
Whether possessing the land,
defeating the enemy or simply
enjoying life in a new homeland,
God’s people must exhibit full
Obedience to His commands.

We’ll cover Deuteronomy over 3
weekends in following six divisions:
D1-4: Motives of Obedience
D5-7: Measures of Obedience
D8-11: Mentality of Obedience
D12-26: Worship & Relation Laws
D27-30: Call for Commitment
D31-34: Change in Leadership
Let’s meditate thro Deuteronomy,
and be reminded like Israelites
what the Lord had done; and be
encouraged to rededicate our
lives to Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Thanksgiving for 2 Tim 3 (May 3)

Thank God for Word of Life

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Tim
from prison with imminent death.
And yet the focus of Paul’s letter
is not on his own problems and
needs but on the problems and
needs of young Timothy who is
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we Receive Your Word of Life:
All Scripture is inspired by God
and is useful to teach us what
us true and to make us realise
what is wrong in our lives.
It straightens us out and
teaches us to do what is right.
It is God’s way of preparing us
in every way, fully equipped for
every good thing God wants us
to do (2Tim 3:16-17). Amen.

Father God, You have shown us
in the Old Testament the need of
Man for redemption. Through the
gospels, You reveal the way to
salvation thro faith in Your Son.
And You have given us letters that
reveal Your heart & guide our lives.
Thank you for your inspired Word
which is more precious than
silver or gold. In His name, Amen.

Lord, thank you for not leaving us
to walk in darkness and for giving
us the light of yr Word to guide us.
Help me to cherish the wonderful
gift in your holy Scriptures and
to receive its teaching and
instruction for my life. And do
guide my prayers through the
inspiration of your Word. Amen.

Lord, thank you for revealing
Yourself to the world through
the Bible. Your Word is a trust-
worthy guide for life. Teach and
correct us. Prepare us spiritually
for whatever the future holds.
And we claim that Your Word
is alive and active and will be
our resource when in trouble.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In 2 Tim 2 (May 2)

Thank God for His Faithfulness

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Tim
from prison with imminent death.
And yet the focus of Paul’s letter
is not on his own problems and
needs but on the problems and
needs of young Timothy who is
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we will Pass On Your Truths:
You have heard me teach many
things that have been confirmed
by many reliable witnesses. Teach
these great truths to trustworthy
people who are able to Pass
Them On to others (2 Tim 2:2).
And as Christ’s soldiers, do not
let yourself become tied up in
the affairs of this life… Follow the
Lord’s rules for doing his work,
just as an athlete either follows
the rules or is disqualified and
wins no prize. Hardworking farmers
enjoy the fruit of their labour (v3-6)
If we endure hardship, we will reign
with Him… If we are unfaithful,
He Remains Faithful, for He cannot
deny who He is (v12-13). Amen.

Lord, thank you for the blessed
privilege of being used by your
Holy Spirit in the lives of others.
Prepare the hearts of those to
whom you are calling me to
witness or to encourage or edify.
Give me boldness mingled with
love; and let me not miss or shy
away from any opportunity to
Pass On to others the great truths
that have changed my life. Amen.

Lord, we realise living a life of
faith requires much endurance.
Help us to endure the hardship
and restrictions of a soldier.
Help us to be like a good athlete
who follows the rules of the sport.
Help us be like a farmer who is
hardworking to taste the fruit
of his labour. Grant us the grace
of perseverance, discipline and
hardwork for Your glory. Amen.

Lord, we praise you that your
Faithfulness to us eternal.
Thank you for being eternally
devoted to me. When I cannot
sense your presence or see You
at work in the circumstances,
help me to remember that You’re
in control, that u are still there
and that U will never let me go.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In 1 Tim 1 (May 1)

Thank God for Being Patient

Timothy ministered alongside
with Paul as a missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the church
at Ephesus. Paul’s first letter
resembles a manual for building
church leadership. More generally,
it’s rich in principles for anyone who
wishes to impact the lives of others

Lord, You are Patient towards Us:
This is a faithful saying that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save
sinners (and) display His Immense
Patience as an example for those
who would believe in Him and
receive eternal life (1Tim 1:15-16).
(May) the prophetic words spoken
earlier…help you fight well in the
Lord’s battles; having Faith and a
good conscience (v18-19). Amen.

Lord, thank you for showing mercy
and not treating me as my sins
deserve. Just as You are Patient
toward sinners; help me to Be
Patient towards others. Help me
use my testimony to encourage
others to seek Your mercy and
Your grace. For I know that
what you have done on my life,
You will also do for others. Amen.

Lord, with all the distractions
and obstacles coming against us,
it will be difficult to stay on course
following the Master. When the
going gets tough, I’ll purpose to
Hold on to Your Word for my life.
I won’t depart from it, no matter
what contradictions I hear or think.
Help me to keep focused & pursue
the calling You have given. Amen.

Lord, thank you for all that You
have done for us. And out of
gratitude we want to serve You.
But we realise that right beliefs
and right behaviour are critical.
Help me be wholly committed to U;
help me Be Patient as You are; and
help me Hold On in Faith to Your
Word for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen