Thanksgiving In 1 Peter 1 (May 13)

Thank God for Living Hope

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
Living Hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right; by
Imitating Christ in your submissive
spirit. And God will richly reward
you when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we Claim Our Inheritance:
Praise be to the God…In His Great
Mercy He has given us new birth
into a Living Hope through the
resurrection of Christ fr the dead
into an inheritance that can never
perish… This inheritance is kept
in heaven for you (1Pet 1:3-4).
Now for a little while you may
have had to suffer grief in all
kinds of trials. These have come
so that the proven genuineness
of your faith – of Greater Worth
than gold…may result in praise,
glory and honour when Jesus
Christ is revealed (v6-7) Amen.

Father, Thank You that it’s because
of Your Boundless Mercy that
I have the privilege of being born
again in Christ. Thank You for
giving Your Son to die for me
so that I could become your child.
Thank You that I can look forward
to a Priceless Inheritance with You,
an inheritance that can never
perish, spoil or fade. Amen.

Father, I thank you for the hope
and inheritance that you have
provided by the resurrection of
Your Son and our Saviour Jesus.
I praise You for the boundless
mercy that gave me the privilege of
being born again to a Living Hope.
Thank you for not only giving me
life but also a priceless inheritance
for all Your dear children. Amen.

Lord, help me realise that trials
are meant for my Ultimate Good;
so help me learn to rejoice in You.
Help me to hold on to what You
have promised for the future.
And as I face trials, pray that I will
continually seek Your guidance;
that my character be refined by U
and that U will strengthen my faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Praying thro Deut 31-34 (May 12)

Gearing Up & Looking Forward

With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at the
Jordan River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people.
He commissions Joshua as his
successor with a sober warning
of Israel’s future rebellion. In order
for the people to remember his
message of life, Moses records
his final words in a song and
teaches the melody and message.

Lord, thank you for giving us Deut
which stresses holiness as a way
of life & reminds the people of
the necessity of obedience to God.
From Moses’ three addresses,
we Remember His Mighty Acts,
we Purpose to Be Holy; and
we Commit to Trust and Obey.
And from Moses’ Last Days,
we will Meditate Your Word;
we will Praise Your Greatness &
we will Seek Your Help. Amen.

Lord, we Meditate Your Word:
Then Moses called for Joshua and
said: Be strong and courageous!..
Do not be afraid or discouraged
for the Lord will personally go
ahead of you. He will be with you;
he will not fail u nor abandon u.
Read this Book of instruction to
all the people of Israel…& learn to
fear the Lord and carefully obey
all the instructions (Deut 31:1-13).
Lord, thanks for going before and
we will follow U one step at a time.
Help me sense Your presence
and free me from fear and worry.
Help me to put as priority the
discipline to meditate your word
and pass on your Truth. Amen.

Lord, we Praise Your Greatness:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
He is the Rock, His works is
perfect, for all His ways are Just,
A God of truth & without injustice;
Righteous and upright is He …
(Deut 32:3-4). Abba Father,
I praise You for Your greatness
and goodness. I worship You as
the God of creation and the Lord
of my life. I praise U in good times
and in the difficult times as well.
Thank you that You show Your love
for me by protecting me, providing
for me, delivering me & giving me
Your peace and power. Amen.

Lord, we Acknowledge Your Help:
The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the ever-
lasting arms… Blessed are you,
O Israel! Who is like you, a people
saved by the Lord? He is your
shield and helper and your
glorious sword (Deut 33:27-29).
Lord, You are Great and there is
no other God but You. You are
us safe refuge from the storm.
Help us find rest in You no matter
whether battles are with finance,
health, relationship or obedience.
And I know that because of Your
presence in my life, I will not face
those challenges alone. I depend
on Your strength & not mine. Amen

Praying thro Deut 27-30 (May 11)

The Call for Commitment to God

Moses has come to a solemn and
climatic moment in his 3rd & final
address to the nation – the time for
a recommitment to the covenant.
He reminds the new wilderness
generation that the potential for
God’s richest blessing awaits them
in the land, as well as the potential
for his severest judgment. It all
depends on their submissive
response to the demands of the
covenant. Dramatically, Moses
delivers the challenge: I have set
before you life & death…choose life.

Dear Lord, we realise knowing Your
Word is Not Enough for we need
to make Commitment to Obey You.
Help us to keep covenant with you
by obeying Yr Word for we love U.
Help us to Commit to Obey to
Avoid Curses but Gain Blessings.
Help us Return to U when we fail
so that we can be transformed.
Grant us the grace as we express
our love by obeying You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Obey to Avoid Curses:
Then Moses spoke to all Israel:
This day you have become the
people of the Lord your God.
Therefore you shall Obey the
voice of the Lord your God, and
observe His commandments…
Cursed is anyone who dishonours
Father or mothers… Cursed is
anyone who steals property from
a neighbour by moving boundary…
Cursed is anyone who denies
justice to foreigners, orphans or
widows… Cursed is anyone who
does not affirm and obey the terms
of these instructions. And all the
people will reply, Amen (D27:9-26).
Lord, the curses U wanted Israelites
to remember were oaths spoken
by priests and affirmed by the
people who promised to stay away
from wrong actions. Holy Spirit,
help us not to wrong others to
avoid the serious consequences of
neglecting God & His Word. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Obey to Gain Blessings:
The Lord will give u an abundance
of good things in the land he swore
to give your ancestors – many
children, numerous livestock and
abundant crops… If you listen to
these commands of the Lord your
God and carefully obey them, the
Lord will make you the head and
not the tail, and you will always
have the upper hand. You must
not turn away from any of the
commands I am giving u today to
follow after other gods (D28:11-14)
God, I know You have a good plan
and forged a path for me to follow.
But there’s an enemy who desires
I lose my way and seeks to destroy
the destiny U have planned for me.
Today, I purpose to love & obey you
and look forward to Your blessings.
And Thank You for making me
the head and not the tail. Amen.

Lord,we’ll Return to be Transformed
Return to the Lord… and the Lord
your God will circumcise your heart
to love the Lord your God with all
your heart & with all your soul that
you may live.. I have set before you
life and death, blessings & cursing;
therefore choose life that both you
and your descendants may live;
that u may love the Lord your God,
that you may obey His voice and
that you may cling to Him, for
He is your life (Deut 30:2-6, 19-20)
God, U challenged Israel to show
their love for Him by choosing
to obey Him & thereby continue
to experience His blessings.
Lord, you promise to change our
heart when we return to You.
Transform us into people who obey
You out of gratitude rather than
imposed demand. And help us to
choose to obey You in each life
situation again and again. Amen.

Thanksgiving In James 1 (May 10)

Thank God for Help In Trouble

Just as a human body that fails
to breathe is labelled a dead body,
so too a faith that fails to breathe
us labelled a dead faith. And the
breath of faith in the Christian life
is good works: demonstrating
concern for the poor, controlling
the tongue, exhibiting a spirit of
humility and building up others.

Lord, we Seek for Your Help:
Consider it pure joy whenever You
face trials because the testing of
Your faith produces Perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its work
so that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.
If any of you Lacks Wisdom,
he should Ask God, who gives
generously to all without finding
fault, and it will be given to him.
But when he asks, he must believe
and not doubt (Jas 1:2-6). Amen.

Lord, grant me the hallmark of
my faith be the ability to face
troubles with Your perspective
in mind. Grant me the ability to
face troubles with Your grace.
Help me to hold on to Your promise
so that when my faith is tested,
endurance has a chance to grow.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank You that Your Word
promises that You will give
wisdom to us when we ask for it.
So I ask for wisdom, for I know
true wisdom comes only from You.
Help me to be wise in daily decision
especially when I must act quickly.
Help me to know what to do & what
not to do in any situation. Amen.

Dear Lord, we realise You want
believers not only to hear the truth
but also to do it. Grant us grace
to commit to love and to serve;
and help us to seek ways of
Living Out Our Faith In You, for
they are evidence of true faith.
Help us to have Endurance;
help us to Ask for Wisdom and
help us to be Obedient. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Heb 13 (May 9)

Thank God for Unchanging Word

Hebrews closes with an appeal for
a persevering Faith that relies on
the promises of God regardless
of the circumstances. Writing
to an audience pressured by
the world, the author urges the
kind of Faith-inspired walk that
characterised so many OT saints.
Convinced of God’s Faithfulness,
they ordered their lives according
to His Word. Follow their example
and walk by Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, we will Hold On to Your Word:
Be content for He Himself has said:
I will Never Leave You nor forsake u.
So we may boldly say: The Lord is
my helper; I’ll not fear (Heb 13:5-6)
(For) Jesus Christ is The Same
yesterday, today and forever (v8).
May the God of peace…Equip You
with all you need for doing His will.
May He produce in you… all
that is pleasing to Him. Jesus is
the great Shepherd of the sheep
by an everlasting covenant, signed
with His blood (v20-21). Amen.

Lord, thank You for the promise
that You will be Always With
me in times of great trouble.
Thank You that You are my God
and my Saviour; and that You
love me & I am precious to You.
Thank You for Your presence,
protection and shalom peace.
You are the one true God and
the only One who saves. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thanks that You never
change, which give me confidence.
Your immutability means so much
for I can trust that Your words
and character are as trustworthy
now as when U were on the earth.
So, I can trust Your promises;
and I can rely firmly on the fact
that You are always compassionate;
that You will never give up on me &
that U will always be with me. Amen

Lord, prepare me for what You’re
preparing for me. Strengthen and
Equip me with every good thing
so that I can do your will. And
Open my heart to the working
of Your Spirit so that my life
will Honour You. Produce in me,
through the power of Christ
Jesus all that is pleasing to You.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In Heb 10 (May 8)

Thank God for Renewed Mindset

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
for it was unable to deal with sin.
But God’s new covenant written in
Christ’s own blood which He shed
on the cross – makes full provision
for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, You Will Renew Our Mind:
This is the covenant I will make
with them… I Will Put my laws in
their hearts, and I Will Write them
on their minds. Then…their sins…
I’ll remember no more (H10:16-17)
Let us Go Into the Presence of God
with sincere hearts fully trusting
Him. Let us hold fast the confession
of our hope without wavering, for
He who promised is faithful. And let
us consider one another to Stir Up
Love & good works (v22-24). Amen

Father God, thank you for your
new covenant which is not only
gracious but also encouraging.
Guide me according to the truth
and instructions that you have
Written on my Heart and Mind.
Even as I purpose to obey Your
Word, grant me the grace to be
willing to do Your will each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father, help me not take Access
Into Your Presence for granted.
And help me not to relate to
You as though You stand at
a distance for You are close by.
Spirit, overflow from me and bond
my relationship with believers.
And let my cell group be known
as people who display You and
Your works for Your glory. Amen.

Father, empower me to hold tightly
to hope in You without wavering.
Grant me breakthrough so that
I can testify of Your greatness and
encourage others towards faith.
Give me creative ideas to spur
others to love and good deeds.
Show me who I can encourage
to discipleship, devotion & prayer.
And I give You all the glory. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Heb 6 (May 7)

Thank God for Keeping Promises

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember & Anchor Us:
God won’t forget how hard u have
worked for Him and how you have
shown your love to Him (Heb 6:10)
God also bound himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise cd be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
our souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and thanks for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, life can be tough, like a grind
with endless repetition of daily
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this wont always be so.
God sees what we do & will reward
us for the sacrifices. And greatly
approves when we proclaim the
good news of Christ. And God has
promised He will never forget.Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
My hope in Jesus is an Anchor
for my soul and will keep me
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Thanksgiving In Heb 4 (May 6)

Thank God for Grace & Mercy

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord,we Approach with confidence:
Seeing we have a great High Priest
…Jesus the Son of God… let us
hold fast our confession. For we do
not have a High Priest who cannot
sympathise with our weakness but
was in all points tempted as we are,
yet without sin. Let us therefore
Come Boldly to the throne of
Grace, that we may Obtain Mercy
and Find Grace to help in time
of need (Heb 4:14-16). Amen.

Father God, all praise and thanks
to You for sitting on heaven’s
mercy seat. What a privilege to
be invited into Your presence.
Thank You for loving us so much
that You gave us your Son Jesus.
It is so good to experience the
amazing grace of being Your
children and having a heavenly
Father who is on our side. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank you that You
understand my weaknesses,
for You have been tempted in
every way and yet did not sin.
Because You understand my
struggles, I know I can come to You
and receive mercy. And help me
approach You with confidence,
knowing that You will help me
in my time of need. Amen.

Lord, thanks for facing temptations
and problems and thus understand
our challenges and weaknesses.
Thank You for pouring out Your
life on the cross, for rising again
and reigning at the right hand of
the Father. Your throne is a place
of grace for Your people, where
we can receive Your mercy and
help when we most need it. I come
Lord to receive Your grace. Amen.

Praying thro Deut 12-26 (May 5)

Principles for Godly Living

Moses urges obeying God’s laws
which bring blessings and warns
disobedience bringing misfortune.
The 10 Commandments and all of
God’s laws point out to us where
we fall short and show us How
we should Live as God’s people.

Dear Lord, thank you for Moses’
Second Address which gives us
the Principles for godly living.
Help us Not operate out of fear
but remember Your mighty acts.
Help us Not Be Rebellious and
Help us Obey Your Commands.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we choose Not Be Afraid:
When you go out to battle against
your enemies, and see chariots
and people more numerous than
you, Do Not Be Afraid of them,
for the Lord your God Is With you,
who brought you up from Egypt.
When u are on the verge of battle,
the priest shall speak to the people:
Do not be afraid, for the Lord
your God is He who goes with you,
to fight for you to save u (D20:1-4).
Lord, I rely on You to lead me
through every challenge & battle.
Help me to never operate out of
fear in the face of what seems like
impossible circumstances. Just as
You have helped me in the past,
I know You will continue to help me
in the future. I thank You for the
great things You will do & for your
presence is always With me. Amen.

Lord, we will Not Be Rebellious:
Suppose a man has a stubborn and
rebellious son who will not obey
his father or mother, even though
they discipline him. In such a case,
the father and mother must take
the son to the elders as they hold
court at the town gate. The parents
must say to the elders: This son of
ours is stubborn & rebellious and
refuses to obey… Then all the men
of his town must stone him to death
In this way, you will purge this evil
from among you (Deut 21:18-21).
Lord, we Thank You for putting
the punishment we deserve for
our stubborn and rebellious ways
in Your own innocent Son so that
we can experience a life of blessing
Help us to encourage one another
towards a lifestyle of obedience.
Help those who are stubborn and
struggle with obedience. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Commands:
You have declared today that the
Lord is your God. And you have
promised to walk in His ways,
and to obey His commands and
regulations and do everything He
tells you. Also today the Lord has
proclaimed you to be His special
people, just as He promised you,
that You should keep all His
commandments (Deut 26:17-18).
Lord, thanks for lavishing Your love
& bringing me out of slavery to sin.
I declare You are the Lord my God;
& I’ll have no other gods before U.
Help me obey Your commands
relating to most frustrating areas
of brokenness and shortcomings.
I ask for enough love, obedience,
reverence and faithfulness to fulfill
Your ideal mission for me. Amen.

Praying thro Deut 8-11 (May 4)

Right Mentality for Obedience 

Moses continues his review of
Israel’s history as an illustration
to the people of God’s faithfulness
through their 40-year wilderness
trek. God’s provision in the past
provides confidence for the future.
He will continue to do great things
for His people if they continue
to walk in obedience to Him.
But if they are disobedient, ignore
His commands and worship other
gods, God will judge their rebellion.

Father God, thank you for Moses’
second oration for holy living and
Principles for key areas of life.
Help us Holy Spirit to inculcate
the Right Mentality for Obedience.
Help us feed our spirit on Yr Word
and find True Satisfaction in You.
Help us to Teach Children to love
and honour you & be drawn to U.
Help us Not to be So Focussed
on ourselves but to Intercede also
for the need of Others. Amen.

Lord, we’ll find Satisfaction in You:
Remember how the Lord your God
led you through the wilderness for
these 40 yrs, testing you… whether
you would obey his commands…He
humbled u by letting u go hungry
and then feeding you with manna.
He did it to teach you that we do
not live by bread alone; rather we
live by every word that comes from
the mouth of the Lord. For all these
40 years your clothes didn’t wear
out and your feet didn’t blister.
Think about it. The Lord disciplines
you for your own good (Deut 8:1-5)
Lord, we realise we should be
more concerned about feeding
our spirits than feeding our bodies.
We will keep focus on the Lord
by feeding on the Word, remaining
committed to God and finding
True Satisfaction in You. Amen.

Lord, we will Intercede for others:
Moses feared the wrath of the
Lord for he was angry enough to
destroy you. But the Lord listened
to me…Likewise when the Lord sent
you from Kadesh Barnea saying:
Go up and possess the land which
I have given you, then you rebelled
against the Lord and you did not
believe Him nor obey His voice.
Thus I prostrated myself before
the Lord 40 days and 40 nights
because the Lord had said He
would destroy you (Deut 9:19-25).
HS, help me to be an intercessor.
Help me Not to be So Focussed
on myself and my situation that
I don’t Pray for the need of Others.
Give me strong faith to believe that
my prayers can make a difference
in their lives. Show me the people
I need to pray and how I should
specifically pray for them. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Teach Children Yr Truth:
Moses said: Commit yourselves
completely to these words of mine.
Teach them to your children. Talk
about them when you are at home..
so that you and your children may
flourish in the land the Lord swore
to give yr ancestors (Deut 11:18-21)
Lord, we want to love You with all
our heart and Lead Children to love
and honour You as well. Help us
to live in such a way that they will
be drawn to You. Show us how to
talk with children about Your truth,
teach them Your principles and
apply Yr word to their lives. Amen