Hearing God In Gen 12/13 (May 21)

The Call to Journey of Faith

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
& travel to a unspecified new land.
Abram faces potential distractions
along the way: death of his father,
a severe famine, worldly pursuits
of his nephew Lot. But God is
looking for a man of Faith who
will Trust Him completely to keep
His promises. For Abram and his
descendants, those promises
include receiving a great name,
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing
in the face of impossible odds.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Call of Faith:
Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country, from your
family… to a land that I will show u.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name
great; and you shall be a blessing…
and in you all the families of the
earth shall be blessed. So Abram
departed as the Lord had spoken
to him… And Abram was 75 years
old when he left Haran (Gen 12:1-4)
And the Lord said to Abram after
Lot separated from him: Lift your
eyes now and look… for all the land
you see I give to you and your
descendants forever (G13:14-15).

Lord, I realise You usually not speak
so definitely that no faith is required
to follow. Yet U will speak enough
for faith to have some direction.
Lord, I don’t want to be paralysed
with uncertainty. Help me to follow
Yr voice even when I’ve questions.
Direct me Lord as I move forward;
and keep me guided in the middle
of Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You care for your servants
when they need courage. Though
the promise was already in place,
yet You God encouraged Moses
when he needed it most after Lot
took large chunk of fertile land.
Lord, I realise life is training ground;
but grant me courage to face
each day and make your presence
ever so real. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, we realise life is not about
assembling financial and relational
security and accomplishments.
And we ask You to shower us
with the blessings that are ours
in Christ. Make our life all about
what you have done, what you
will do and what you will give.
Make our life all about your
grace and goodness to us. Amen.

Hearing God thro His Word Launch of new series (May 20)

Drawing Near to Hear ( Gen 3)

We have been utilising Scripture
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
within His will thus pleasing Him.
Having prayed thro the Scripture
on Knowing Him, Praising Him,
Claiming His Promises, Seeking
His Truths and Thanking Him,
we continue this disciple walk
with our new and exciting series
to Hear God through His Word !

Our God is not silent; for He has
revealed Himself as the God
who guides, corrects, inspires,
encourages and reveals to us.
He has always been vocal and
He will surly continue to be so.
Listening to God is a process,
a journey and an adventure.
God promises that those who
seek Him will be rewarded with
His presence and His voice !!
And the words of the living God
are powerful & life changing. Amen!

Lord, we’ll Draw Near to Hear You:
Now the serpent was more cunning
than any beast of the field which
the Lord God had made. And
he said to the woman: Has God
indeed said: You shall not eat of
every tree in the garden (Gen 3:1)
Lord, we will Draw Near to You:
Then the man and his wife heard
the sound of the Lord God as
He was walking in the garden
in the cool of the day, and they
hid from the Lord God among
the trees of the garden. But
the Lord God called to the man:
Where are you? (Gen 3:8-9).

Lord, we will Hear Your Voice:
We spend much of our lives Lord
in a battle to trust Your goodness
because the evil one constantly
cast doubts & misrepresent You.
I invite You to move my heart
and synchronise it with Yours.
I need to connect with You more;
for only your voice & revelation
can accomplish that. Give me
clear insights of Your will. Amen.

Lord, we will Draw Near to You:
l want to have a close walk
with You Lord. Help me not
to forfeit that relationship by
being drawn toward the world.
Enable me to hear Your voice
calling me so that I will answer
without delay. And help me not
hide from U for any reason; but
instead seek your forgiveness
and draw near to You. Amen.

Praying thro Mark 1-3 (May 19)

Be God Seeking People of Faith

Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or any
prologue. He begins with ministry
of John the Baptist, the forerunner
who would prepare the way for
Jesus’ ministry of Servanthood.
Mark’s emphasis throughout
is on Christ’s works rather than
His words, as befitting a Servant.
Numerous miracles of healing
and exorcism precede the calls
of five disciples – Andrew, Peter,
James, John and Matthew – and
His choosing of the other seven.

Lord Jesus, You did not come
as a conquering king but as a
Servant. May Your example cause
us be willing to serve God & others.
Lord, we note worthy examples
in Mark 1-3 to be God Seeking &
grant us grace to learn from them.
Help us to Seek the Father’s Will;
Help us to Be People of Faith and
Help us to Prioritise Time with You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, help us Seek Father’s Will:
After sunset the whole town
gathered at the door and Jesus
healed many of various diseases.
He also drive out many demons.
Very early in the morning, while
it was still dark, Jesus went
off to a solitary place to pray.
Simon and his companions went
to look for him and when they
found him they said: Everyone
is looking for you! Jesus replied:
Let us go to the next towns that
I may preach there also(M1:32-38)
Lord, we note You know exactly
what to do after a very successful
ministry time. Help us to follow
your example to seek the Father’s
Will and do it rather than rely
purely on common sense. Amen.

Lord, help us Be People of Faith:
When He had come home, many
gathered that there was No Room
left, not even outside the door.
Some men bringing a paralytic
could not get him to Jesus due to
the crowd, they made an opening
in the roof above Jesus & lowered
the mat the paralysed man was
lying. When Jesus saw their Faith,
He said to the paralytic: Son your
sins are Forgiven… Take up your
mat and go home. Immediately he
arose & went out… so that all were
amazed & glorified God (Mk 2:1-12)
Lord, we are really inspired by
the act of the four faithful friends.
They were determined to get their
friend to You the Healer despite
the difficulty they were facing.
Help us Lord to be compassionate
and Trust You enough to help
others the way they do. Amen.

Lord, help us Prioritise Time with U:
And He went up on the mountain
& called to Him those He Himself
wanted. And they came to Him.
Then He appointed twelve,
that they might Be With Him and
that He might send them out
to preach, and to have power
to heal sickness and to cast
out demons (Mark 3:13-15).
Lord, we note that the twelve
were chosen not because of
their abilities but their willingness
to follow Jesus and obey You.
We also note the twelve were
chosen to Be With You which
is priority and all good things
are built upon this foundation.
Thank You Lord Jesus that You
have chosen me to Be With You.
Help me to stay close to You. Amen

Preview On Mark Gospel (May 19)

Preview On Mark Gospel (May 19)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus on Deliverance from Egypt;
Leviticus on the way of Holy Living;
Numbers on training in Obedience.
And the last 3 weekends on Deut
stresses Holiness as a way of life
and reminds the people of the
necessity of Obedience to God.

Having concluded OT bks of laws,
for variety we go to NT on Mark,
which is first gospel to be written.
Mark’s gospel captures the twofold
purpose of Christ’s coming to
earth to minister and to give his
life a ransom for many (10:45).
Mark describes Jesus as the
Perfect Servant, emphasising
more the actions of Jesus & gives
brief treatment to his teachings.
Jewish customs are explained
as the story moves briskly to the
completion of Jesus’ ministry.

We’ll cover Mark gospel over three
weekends in following 5 divisions:
Mk 1-3: Coming of the Servant
Mk 4-7: Mission of the Servant
M8-10: Magnificence of Servant
M11-13: Final Week of the Servant
M14-16: Finished Work of Servant
Let’s meditate thro Mark gospel,
be touched by Obedience of Christ
and be strengthened in Faith. Amen

Thanking God thro the Scripture

Thank God for It’s Right (May 18)

Since the start of year, we have
been doing Right, Thanking God.
Often our prayers can degenerate
into list of needs presented to God.
Whilst God loves to hear our needs,
I believe He loves us to pray back
His promises; pray commitment
as well as Praise & Thanksgiving!

Lord, help us to use Scripture
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
in a way that is pleasing to You.
Help us Lord to purpose and
want to Thank You regularly
for it is the Right thing to do;
for Gratitude in appreciation,
for it is Your key Will for us and
for we truly Belong to You. Amen.

Friends, thanksgiving for the past
20 wks or 100 days listed below:
For today’s devotion, suggest that
you pick a post that interests you,
Click PrayerThots.com to home
page & Scroll to calender for post
& be Uplifted with song of Thanks!

Thanking God (W20 Pet, 1Jn & Rev)
May 17: TG All Things New(Rev21)
M16: TG Victory over Evil (Rev20)
M15: TG for Forgiveness (1John 1)
M14 : Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
M13: TG for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)

Thanking God (W19 Heb & James)
M10: TG for Help In Trouble (Jas 1)
M9: TG Unchanging Word (Heb13)
M8: TG for Renewed Mind (Heb10)
M7: TG Keeping Promises (Heb6)
M6: TG for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)

Thanking God (W18 Thess & Tim)
M3: TG for Word of Life (2Tim 3)
M2: TG for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)
M1: TG for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Apr30:Establish Good Work(2Th2)
A29: TG for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)

Thanking God (W17 Eph, Phil & Col)
A26: TG Complete In Christ(Col2)
A25: TG Supplying Needs (Phil4)
A24: TG for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
A23: TG for Empowerment (Eph3)
A22: TG Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)

Thanking God (W16 Cor & Gal)
A19: TG for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
A18:Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
A17: TG for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
A16: TG for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
A15: TG for Way Out (1C10)

Thanking God (W15 Acts & Rom)
A12: TG Overflowing Hope(Rom15)
A11: TG for Transformation(Rom12)
Apr10:TG for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)
Apr 9: TG for Being Near (Acts 17)
Apr 8: TG for Power Source (Acts 2)

Thanking God (W14 John)
Apr 5: TG for Intercession (Jn 17)
Apr 4: TG for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Apr 3: TG Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Apr 2: TG for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: TG Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)

Thanking God (W13 Luke)
Mar29:TG Caring Disciples (Lk 22)
M28: TG Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
M27: TG Witness Authority(Lk10)
M26: TG Caring Those In Need(L5)
M25: TG Nothing Impossible(Lk1)

Thanking God (W12 Matt & Mark)
M22:TG for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
M21: TG Jesus With Us (Mt 28)
M20: TG for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
M19: TG Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
M18:TG Providing Our Needs(Mt6)

Thanking God (W11 Prophets)
Mar15: TG Redeeming Time(Joel 2)
Mar 14: TG for Bringing Life (Ez37)
Mar 13: TG for Dir Access (Jer33)
Mar 12: TG for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 11: TG for Being Healer (Jer17)

Thanking God (W10 Isaiah)
Mar 8:TG Beauty from Ashes(Is61)
Mar 7: TG for Caring You (Isa 46)
Mar 6: TG Helping Weak (Isa40)
Mar 5: TG for Giving Peace (Isa26)
Mar 4: TG Giving Good News (Isa9)

Thanking God (W9 Wisdom Books)
Mar 1: TG for Retirement (Ecc 5)
Feb28: TG for Best Friends (Ecc 4)
Feb 27: TG Future Hope (Prov23)
F26: TG Hearing Prayer (Prov 15)
F25: TG Benefits of Trusting (Pr3)

Thanking God (W8 Psalms Book 5)
Feb 22: TG for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Feb 21: TG Giving Success(Ps 127)
Feb 20: TG His Protection(Ps121)
Feb 19: TG for His Direction (l 119)
Feb 18: TG Being For Me (Ps 118)

Thanking God (W7 Psalms Bk 3-4)
F15: TG for His Benefits (Ps 103)
F14: TG for His Goodness (Ps100)
F13: TG for Being Shield (Ps 91)
F12: TG for His Miracles (Ps 77)
F11: TG for Being Shelter (Ps 73)

Thanking God (W6 Psalms Book 2)
Feb 8: TG Satisfying Soul (Ps63)
Feb 7: TG Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Feb 6: TG Bearing Burdens (P55)
Feb 5: TG for Being Refuge (Ps 46)
Feb 4: TG for Giving Desires (P37)

Thanking God (W5 Psalms Book 1)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Fears (Ps 34)
Jan 31: TG for Hiding Place (Ps32)
Jan 30: TG Being Shepherd (Ps 23)
Jan 29:TG Whom I Can Trust(Ps18)
Jan 28: TG for Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Thanking God (W4 Kings & Chron)
Jan 25: TG Fighting Battle (2Chr20)
Jan 24: TG Watching Us (2Chr 16)
Jan23:TG What He’s Done (1Chr16)
Jan22:TG Answer Prayer(2Kg19/20)
Jan 21:TG Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)

Thanking God (W3 Josh & Samuel)
Jan18: TG His Forgiveness(2Sam12)
Jan 17: TG Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Jan 16: TG Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Jan 15:TG Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Jan 14: TG for Being With Us (Jos 1)

Thanking God (W2 Deuteronomy)
Jan11: TG Being Our Rock (Deu 32)
Jan10: TG Being Restorer (Deu 30)
Jan 9: TG His Faithfulness (Deut 7)
Jan 8: TG for Our Family (Deut 6)
Jan 7: TG for His Provision (Deut 2)

Thanking God (W1 Gen & Exo)
Jan 4: TG for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Jan 3: TG for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)
Jan 2: TG for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)
Jan 1: TG thro Scripture (1Ths 5)


PrayerThots Devotional

Purpose of PrayerThots Devotional

Dear Brothers & Sisters In Christ,
The key purpose of PrayerThots
Devotional is to enable Christians
have a Closer Walk with the Lord.
Its three main objectives are:-
to Promote Growth as Disciples,
to Know the Scripture Better and
to Deepen Prayer Life of believers.

To Promote Growth as Disciples
of Christ, PrayerThots helps foster
a Close Walk with God by guiding
Christians know God’s attributes
better, praising and thanking Him.
As a daily devotional, PrayerThots
also facilitates a Consistent Walk.
The Focus of discipleship devt is to
Foster Obedience to God, in being
more Christlike in character and
doing His will; by developing heart
for God through praying His Word.

To help you Know Scripture better,
PrayerThots covers Key Verses
of the Bible Book-by-Book with
passage Background Context.
For variety, Weekday devotions
are on Discipleship themes like
thanksgiving & promises of God.
And Weekend biblical expositions
enables better understanding of
the scripture especially OT through
the devt of Theme of each book.

To Deepen Prayer Life of believers,
PT provides three-para Pointers
for you to select prayers relevant
to your needs and perspectives.
Differing spiritual maturity is also
catered for each post includes
not only agreeing the Word,
thanking, praising and claiming
the promises of God, but also
commitment and even surrender.
And there’s also a Spiritual Song
to help meditate on the Word and
express your prayer to the Lord.

Friends, the psalmist exhorts us to
meditate on the Word day & night.
And you are encouraged to use
PrayerThots as a Supplementary
devotion perhaps in the evening.
Trust it will help your discipleship
Walk with the Lord, Strengthen
your understanding of scripture,
and Deepen your prayer life. And
as u Respond to the Word of God,
you will be more and more Yielded
to the Spirit and steadily become
salt of the earth & light of the world

Thanksgivings In Rev 21 (May 17)

Thank God for All Things New

Following the catastrophic
judgments of the seven vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings but
praises to God in anticipation of
the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet..
setting the stage for the coming
of a new heaven and new earth.
Once again God and his people
live in intimate fellowship. Amen.

Lord, You make All Things New:
And I heard a loud voice from the
throne saying: Look God’s dwelling
place is now among the people,
and He Will Dwell with them…
And God will wipe every tear from
their eyes. There will be no more
death or mourning or pain, for the
former things have passed away.
… I am making everything New!
… these words are trustworthy
and true (Rev 21:3-5). And …
the glory of God illuminates
the city and the Lamb is its light.
The nations of the earth will
Walk in its Light (v23-24). Amen.

Lord, despite the promise that
You are always with me, the fact
is that sometimes I can’t sense
Your presence. So encourage
me and sustain me with the
promise that one day I will see
You face-to-face; and that
I will dwell with You forever.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father, when I am sad, keep me
from despair. And remind me that
Christ has defeated sin & death.
The day is coming when the world
will be put right and all sorrow
will cease. Praise You holy name.
And Thank you for the promise
of making everything new.
Thank You for making heaven
a place of infinite joy. Amen.

Lord, help me to see not just
the present challenges, but also
the future that You have planned
for me. Flood my mind and heart
with Your light. Grant me wisdom
and help me find my way out of
dark places. Illuminate Your Word
and comfort me and assure me
that a wonderful future awaits.
Help me to take the long-term
view & keep me from impatience
& faithlessness. In His name, Amen

Thanksgivings In Rev 20 (May 16)

Thank God for Victory Over Evil

Following the catastrophic
judgments of the seven vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings but
praises to God in anticipation of
the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet..
setting the stage for the coming
of a new heaven and new earth.
Once again God and his people
live in intimate fellowship. Amen.

Lord, You Triumph Over Evil:
Then I saw an angel coming down
from heaven with the key to the
bottomless pit and a heavy chain
in his hand. He seized the dragon..
who is the devil and bound him
in chains (Rev 20:1-2). The Devil
who betrayed them was thrown into
the lake of fire… joining the beast
and the false prophets. There they
will be tormented forever & ever.
And I saw a great white throne,
and I saw the one who was
sitting on it (v10-11). Amen.

Father God, I give you all the praise
because you are still on the throne
and have already overcome the
enemy. Grant me courage and
a strong heart to keep pressing
on, to fix my eyes on Christ Jesus
and to rejoice in You, knowing
that You Triumph Over Evil and
that U make All Things New. Amen

Sovereign God, You are on the
throne. You have already overcome
the enemy and you are the victor.
Living in the end times, may I
spend less time worrying about
a defeated enemy and more time
concerned about those who need
the truth. Help me remember
that time is limited and how I play
the game of life is critical. Amen.

Lord, the revelation on end times
is both a warning to Christians
who have grown apathetic and
an encouragement to those who
are faithfully enduring struggles.
It reassures us that good will
triumph over evil, gives us hope
as we face difficulties & guides us
when we’re wavering in our faith.
Lord, we praise You for being in
control & rejoice that U reign. Amen

Thanksgiving In 1 John 1 (May 15)

Thank God for His Forgiveness

Apostle John who enjoys delightful
fellowship with God, desires that
his spiritual children enjoy the same
fellowship & writes IJn telling them
how: God is Light and to be in
fellowship with Him means walking
in the light of His commandments.
God is love, and thus His children
must walk in love. And God is life,
and those who desire fellowship
with Him must possess spiritual
life, which begins with spiritual
birth through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, we’ll Confess & You Forgive:
If we claim to be without sin,
we deceive ourselves
and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is
faithful and just and will forgive
us our sins and purify us from
all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9)
Whoever conceals their sins
does not prosper, but the ones
who confesses & renounces them
finds mercy (Prov 28:13) Amen.

Lord, You say that if we claim
to be sinless we’re only fooling
ourselves; for our old nature
still exists. Give me an attitude
of discernment and humility,
so that when I sin I will know it
and desire to be cleansed of it.
Thank U Lord for Your forgiveness
which removes sins as far as
the east is from the west; and
U remember them no more. Amen

Lord, I confess my sins before You.
Thank You that You are faithful
to forgive them and to cleanse
me from all the effects of them.
If there is sin in my life that I am
no seeing, reveal it to me so that
I can confess it before You and
be purified of all unrighteousness.
For I want to live in the wholeness
of complete forgiveness. Amen.

Lord, give me strength of character
to take responsibility for wrong
actions and not to blame others.
Please forgive me when I’m wrong;
for You promise when I confess
my sins to You, You will forgive
me and cleanse me. And Thanks
for your promise of grace & mercy
when we confess & renounce sin.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In 2 Peter 1 (May 14)

Thk God for Enabling Godly Living

Peter’s second letter teaches
opposing internal spiritual struggles
and attacks by Satan with the
knowledge of the truth. Peter warns
against apostasy within the church,
moral perversions and the denial of
Christ’s return that false teachers
propagate. He exhorts his readers
to grow in grace and knowledge
that come through Jesus Christ,
thereby gaining strength to
resist error and avoid heresy.

Lord, You Enable Godly Living:
By His divine power, God has given
us everything we need for living
a godly life. We have received
all of this by coming to know Him,
the one who called us to Himself.
He has given us great & precious
promises; which enable you to
share His divine nature (2Pet 1:3-4)
And so we have the prophetic
Word confirmed, which you
do well to heed as a light that
shines in a dark place (v19) Amen

Father God, bless me with grace
& peace as I come to know Jesus
more and more. Open my eyes
and teach me how to develop a
more intimate relationship with U.
You promise Lord that as we get
to know Jesus better, His divine
power will give us everything
we need for living a godly life.
Help me grow spiritually; so that
I may live wholly for You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, as I purpose to be
diligent in Christian growth, help
me keep on knowing more of You.
Help me remember what You teach
& be diligent in faithful obedience.
Thank You that in Your goodness,
U not only Rescue but also Free
me. And I claim your promises:
that You Give us Godly Nature and
that You Enable Godly Living. Amen

Holy Spirit, teach me how to tap
into Your divine power so that I will
not lack anything that You offer.
Fill me continually Lord, and be
ever present within me; for I want to experience You more & more.
Increase daily the evidence of
Your presence in my life. And make
Your home in me so that I can
become a clear demonstration
of Your power & goodness. Amen