Praying thro Mark 4-7 (May 25)

Faith Recalls, Persists & Humbles

Through both His words and works
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At 1st even His closest companions
are perplexed by His power and
authority, wondering: What manner
of man is this, that even the wind
& the sea obey Him? But patiently
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even the raising the
dead, the Master Servant works
to convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, thank you for Mark gospel,
which captures two purposes
of Christ Jesus coming to earth;
to minister as a Servant and
to give his life a random for many.
Grant us the faith that will
Remember Yr Word & Trust in it.
Grant us the faith that will
Persistently Pursue You for help.
Grant us the faith that will
Approach You with Humility.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Trust Your Word:
Jesus said to his disciples:
Let Us Cross to the east side.
Suddenly a storm struck the lake.
Waves started splashing into the
boat & it was about to sink. Jesus
was in the back of the boat asleep.
His disciples woke him and said:
Teacher don’t you care that we’re
about to drown? Jesus got up and
ordered the wind and waves to
be quiet. The wind stopped and
everything was calm. Jesus asked:
Why are u So Fearful? How is it
that you have No Faith?(Mk4:35-41)
Lord, help us to remember clearly
Your instructions like what You
told the disciples: “Let Us Cross.”
Help us to Rely on Your Word and
not Focus on situation we are in.
Remind us no storm can take us
off course, for U can do all things
& Yr plan can’t be thwarted. Amen

Lord, we will Persistently Seek You:
Now a certain woman had a flow of
blood for 12 yrs. When she heard
about Jesus,she came from behind
Him in the crowd and touched His
garment. For she said: If only I may
touch His clothes, I shall be made
well. Immediately her blood was
dried up and she felt in her body
she was healed of the affliction.
And Jesus said to her: your faith
has made you well (Mark 5:21-34).
Lord, I have needs and only You
can meet them. Some people
might be appalled at my boldness
but I am asking You to give me
what I need. I know Your generous
heart and I am still waiting. Amen.

Lord, we will Humbly Seek You:
A woman whose young daughter
had an unclean spirit came…
Jesus said: Let the children be
filled first, for it is not good to
take the children’s bread and
throw it to the little dogs. And
she answered; Even the little dogs
eat from the children’s crumbs.
Then He said: For this saying
go your way; the demon has gone
our of your daughter (Mk7:25-29)
Lord, we learnt from the Greek
woman to have the right attitude
in approaching You with Humility
not asking for rights but mercy.
And also to have Persistence of
pushing through all barriers, thus
showing her Sincere Faith. Amen.