Thanking God thro the Scripture

Thank God for It’s Right (May 18)

Since the start of year, we have
been doing Right, Thanking God.
Often our prayers can degenerate
into list of needs presented to God.
Whilst God loves to hear our needs,
I believe He loves us to pray back
His promises; pray commitment
as well as Praise & Thanksgiving!

Lord, help us to use Scripture
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
in a way that is pleasing to You.
Help us Lord to purpose and
want to Thank You regularly
for it is the Right thing to do;
for Gratitude in appreciation,
for it is Your key Will for us and
for we truly Belong to You. Amen.

Friends, thanksgiving for the past
20 wks or 100 days listed below:
For today’s devotion, suggest that
you pick a post that interests you,
Click to home
page & Scroll to calender for post
& be Uplifted with song of Thanks!

Thanking God (W20 Pet, 1Jn & Rev)
May 17: TG All Things New(Rev21)
M16: TG Victory over Evil (Rev20)
M15: TG for Forgiveness (1John 1)
M14 : Enabling Godly Living(2Pet 1)
M13: TG for Living Hope (1 Pet 1)

Thanking God (W19 Heb & James)
M10: TG for Help In Trouble (Jas 1)
M9: TG Unchanging Word (Heb13)
M8: TG for Renewed Mind (Heb10)
M7: TG Keeping Promises (Heb6)
M6: TG for Grace & Mercy (Heb4)

Thanking God (W18 Thess & Tim)
M3: TG for Word of Life (2Tim 3)
M2: TG for His Faithfulness(2Tim2)
M1: TG for Being Patient (1Tim 1)
Apr30:Establish Good Work(2Th2)
A29: TG for Honoring Faith (1Th 1)

Thanking God (W17 Eph, Phil & Col)
A26: TG Complete In Christ(Col2)
A25: TG Supplying Needs (Phil4)
A24: TG for Spiritual Armour (Eph6)
A23: TG for Empowerment (Eph3)
A22: TG Spiritual Blessings(Eph 1)

Thanking God (W16 Cor & Gal)
A19: TG for Spiritual Fruit (Gal 5)
A18:Strength In Weakness(2Cor12)
A17: TG for Secured Hope(1Cor15)
A16: TG for Spiritual Gifts (1C14)
A15: TG for Way Out (1C10)

Thanking God (W15 Acts & Rom)
A12: TG Overflowing Hope(Rom15)
A11: TG for Transformation(Rom12)
Apr10:TG for Freedom fr Sin(Rom3)
Apr 9: TG for Being Near (Acts 17)
Apr 8: TG for Power Source (Acts 2)

Thanking God (W14 John)
Apr 5: TG for Intercession (Jn 17)
Apr 4: TG for Helper Spirit (Jn 16)
Apr 3: TG Being Shepherd (Jn10)
Apr 2: TG for Bread of Life (Jn 6)
Apr 1: TG Giving Eternal Life(Jn3)

Thanking God (W13 Luke)
Mar29:TG Caring Disciples (Lk 22)
M28: TG Seeking the Lost (Lk 19)
M27: TG Witness Authority(Lk10)
M26: TG Caring Those In Need(L5)
M25: TG Nothing Impossible(Lk1)

Thanking God (W12 Matt & Mark)
M22:TG for Honouring Faith(Mk11)
M21: TG Jesus With Us (Mt 28)
M20: TG for Providing Rest (Mt 11)
M19: TG Rewarding Seekers (Mt 7)
M18:TG Providing Our Needs(Mt6)

Thanking God (W11 Prophets)
Mar15: TG Redeeming Time(Joel 2)
Mar 14: TG for Bringing Life (Ez37)
Mar 13: TG for Dir Access (Jer33)
Mar 12: TG for Good Plans (Jer 29)
Mar 11: TG for Being Healer (Jer17)

Thanking God (W10 Isaiah)
Mar 8:TG Beauty from Ashes(Is61)
Mar 7: TG for Caring You (Isa 46)
Mar 6: TG Helping Weak (Isa40)
Mar 5: TG for Giving Peace (Isa26)
Mar 4: TG Giving Good News (Isa9)

Thanking God (W9 Wisdom Books)
Mar 1: TG for Retirement (Ecc 5)
Feb28: TG for Best Friends (Ecc 4)
Feb 27: TG Future Hope (Prov23)
F26: TG Hearing Prayer (Prov 15)
F25: TG Benefits of Trusting (Pr3)

Thanking God (W8 Psalms Book 5)
Feb 22: TG for Saving Us (Ps 145)
Feb 21: TG Giving Success(Ps 127)
Feb 20: TG His Protection(Ps121)
Feb 19: TG for His Direction (l 119)
Feb 18: TG Being For Me (Ps 118)

Thanking God (W7 Psalms Bk 3-4)
F15: TG for His Benefits (Ps 103)
F14: TG for His Goodness (Ps100)
F13: TG for Being Shield (Ps 91)
F12: TG for His Miracles (Ps 77)
F11: TG for Being Shelter (Ps 73)

Thanking God (W6 Psalms Book 2)
Feb 8: TG Satisfying Soul (Ps63)
Feb 7: TG Plan For Me (Ps 57)
Feb 6: TG Bearing Burdens (P55)
Feb 5: TG for Being Refuge (Ps 46)
Feb 4: TG for Giving Desires (P37)

Thanking God (W5 Psalms Book 1)
Feb 1: TG for Freeing Fears (Ps 34)
Jan 31: TG for Hiding Place (Ps32)
Jan 30: TG Being Shepherd (Ps 23)
Jan 29:TG Whom I Can Trust(Ps18)
Jan 28: TG for Fruitfulness (Ps 1)

Thanking God (W4 Kings & Chron)
Jan 25: TG Fighting Battle (2Chr20)
Jan 24: TG Watching Us (2Chr 16)
Jan23:TG What He’s Done (1Chr16)
Jan22:TG Answer Prayer(2Kg19/20)
Jan 21:TG Giving Wisdom(1Kgs3-4)

Thanking God (W3 Josh & Samuel)
Jan18: TG His Forgiveness(2Sam12)
Jan 17: TG Being Deliverer(1Sam 17)
Jan 16: TG Mighty Helper (1Sam 7)
Jan 15:TG Keeping Promises(Jos21)
Jan 14: TG for Being With Us (Jos 1)

Thanking God (W2 Deuteronomy)
Jan11: TG Being Our Rock (Deu 32)
Jan10: TG Being Restorer (Deu 30)
Jan 9: TG His Faithfulness (Deut 7)
Jan 8: TG for Our Family (Deut 6)
Jan 7: TG for His Provision (Deut 2)

Thanking God (W1 Gen & Exo)
Jan 4: TG for Giving Strength(Ex15)
Jan 3: TG for Purpose In Life (Ex 9)
Jan 2: TG for Gift of Life (Gen 1-2)
Jan 1: TG thro Scripture (1Ths 5)

PrayerThots Devotional

Purpose of PrayerThots Devotional

Dear Brothers & Sisters In Christ,
The key purpose of PrayerThots
Devotional is to enable Christians
have a Closer Walk with the Lord.
Its three main objectives are:-
to Promote Growth as Disciples,
to Know the Scripture Better and
to Deepen Prayer Life of believers.

To Promote Growth as Disciples
of Christ, PrayerThots helps foster
a Close Walk with God by guiding
Christians know God’s attributes
better, praising and thanking Him.
As a daily devotional, PrayerThots
also facilitates a Consistent Walk.
The Focus of discipleship devt is to
Foster Obedience to God, in being
more Christlike in character and
doing His will; by developing heart
for God through praying His Word.

To help you Know Scripture better,
PrayerThots covers Key Verses
of the Bible Book-by-Book with
passage Background Context.
For variety, Weekday devotions
are on Discipleship themes like
thanksgiving & promises of God.
And Weekend biblical expositions
enables better understanding of
the scripture especially OT through
the devt of Theme of each book.

To Deepen Prayer Life of believers,
PT provides three-para Pointers
for you to select prayers relevant
to your needs and perspectives.
Differing spiritual maturity is also
catered for each post includes
not only agreeing the Word,
thanking, praising and claiming
the promises of God, but also
commitment and even surrender.
And there’s also a Spiritual Song
to help meditate on the Word and
express your prayer to the Lord.

Friends, the psalmist exhorts us to
meditate on the Word day & night.
And you are encouraged to use
PrayerThots as a Supplementary
devotion perhaps in the evening.
Trust it will help your discipleship
Walk with the Lord, Strengthen
your understanding of scripture,
and Deepen your prayer life. And
as u Respond to the Word of God,
you will be more and more Yielded
to the Spirit and steadily become
salt of the earth & light of the world