Praying thro Deut 31-34 (May 12)

Gearing Up & Looking Forward

With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at the
Jordan River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people.
He commissions Joshua as his
successor with a sober warning
of Israel’s future rebellion. In order
for the people to remember his
message of life, Moses records
his final words in a song and
teaches the melody and message.

Lord, thank you for giving us Deut
which stresses holiness as a way
of life & reminds the people of
the necessity of obedience to God.
From Moses’ three addresses,
we Remember His Mighty Acts,
we Purpose to Be Holy; and
we Commit to Trust and Obey.
And from Moses’ Last Days,
we will Meditate Your Word;
we will Praise Your Greatness &
we will Seek Your Help. Amen.

Lord, we Meditate Your Word:
Then Moses called for Joshua and
said: Be strong and courageous!..
Do not be afraid or discouraged
for the Lord will personally go
ahead of you. He will be with you;
he will not fail u nor abandon u.
Read this Book of instruction to
all the people of Israel…& learn to
fear the Lord and carefully obey
all the instructions (Deut 31:1-13).
Lord, thanks for going before and
we will follow U one step at a time.
Help me sense Your presence
and free me from fear and worry.
Help me to put as priority the
discipline to meditate your word
and pass on your Truth. Amen.

Lord, we Praise Your Greatness:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
He is the Rock, His works is
perfect, for all His ways are Just,
A God of truth & without injustice;
Righteous and upright is He …
(Deut 32:3-4). Abba Father,
I praise You for Your greatness
and goodness. I worship You as
the God of creation and the Lord
of my life. I praise U in good times
and in the difficult times as well.
Thank you that You show Your love
for me by protecting me, providing
for me, delivering me & giving me
Your peace and power. Amen.

Lord, we Acknowledge Your Help:
The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the ever-
lasting arms… Blessed are you,
O Israel! Who is like you, a people
saved by the Lord? He is your
shield and helper and your
glorious sword (Deut 33:27-29).
Lord, You are Great and there is
no other God but You. You are
us safe refuge from the storm.
Help us find rest in You no matter
whether battles are with finance,
health, relationship or obedience.
And I know that because of Your
presence in my life, I will not face
those challenges alone. I depend
on Your strength & not mine. Amen