Praying thro Deut 27-30 (May 11)

The Call for Commitment to God

Moses has come to a solemn and
climatic moment in his 3rd & final
address to the nation – the time for
a recommitment to the covenant.
He reminds the new wilderness
generation that the potential for
God’s richest blessing awaits them
in the land, as well as the potential
for his severest judgment. It all
depends on their submissive
response to the demands of the
covenant. Dramatically, Moses
delivers the challenge: I have set
before you life & death…choose life.

Dear Lord, we realise knowing Your
Word is Not Enough for we need
to make Commitment to Obey You.
Help us to keep covenant with you
by obeying Yr Word for we love U.
Help us to Commit to Obey to
Avoid Curses but Gain Blessings.
Help us Return to U when we fail
so that we can be transformed.
Grant us the grace as we express
our love by obeying You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Obey to Avoid Curses:
Then Moses spoke to all Israel:
This day you have become the
people of the Lord your God.
Therefore you shall Obey the
voice of the Lord your God, and
observe His commandments…
Cursed is anyone who dishonours
Father or mothers… Cursed is
anyone who steals property from
a neighbour by moving boundary…
Cursed is anyone who denies
justice to foreigners, orphans or
widows… Cursed is anyone who
does not affirm and obey the terms
of these instructions. And all the
people will reply, Amen (D27:9-26).
Lord, the curses U wanted Israelites
to remember were oaths spoken
by priests and affirmed by the
people who promised to stay away
from wrong actions. Holy Spirit,
help us not to wrong others to
avoid the serious consequences of
neglecting God & His Word. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Obey to Gain Blessings:
The Lord will give u an abundance
of good things in the land he swore
to give your ancestors – many
children, numerous livestock and
abundant crops… If you listen to
these commands of the Lord your
God and carefully obey them, the
Lord will make you the head and
not the tail, and you will always
have the upper hand. You must
not turn away from any of the
commands I am giving u today to
follow after other gods (D28:11-14)
God, I know You have a good plan
and forged a path for me to follow.
But there’s an enemy who desires
I lose my way and seeks to destroy
the destiny U have planned for me.
Today, I purpose to love & obey you
and look forward to Your blessings.
And Thank You for making me
the head and not the tail. Amen.

Lord,we’ll Return to be Transformed
Return to the Lord… and the Lord
your God will circumcise your heart
to love the Lord your God with all
your heart & with all your soul that
you may live.. I have set before you
life and death, blessings & cursing;
therefore choose life that both you
and your descendants may live;
that u may love the Lord your God,
that you may obey His voice and
that you may cling to Him, for
He is your life (Deut 30:2-6, 19-20)
God, U challenged Israel to show
their love for Him by choosing
to obey Him & thereby continue
to experience His blessings.
Lord, you promise to change our
heart when we return to You.
Transform us into people who obey
You out of gratitude rather than
imposed demand. And help us to
choose to obey You in each life
situation again and again. Amen.