Thanksgiving In 1 Thess 1 (Apr 29)

Thank God for Honouring Faith

Lord, we will Place Faith In You:
We always thank God for all of
you and Pray for you constantly.
We remember before our God
and Father your work produced
By Faith, your labour prompted
by love, and your endurance
inspired by hope in our Lord
Jesus Christ (1Thess 1:2-3).
You received the message with
joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of
the severe suffering… In this way,
you Imitated the Lord. As a result,
you have become an example to
all believers in Greece (v6-7) Amen

Lord, I thank you for the gift of
direct access to You in Prayer.
Help me to model Paul who
encourages the Thessalonian
believers for their faith and love.
Bless my loved ones and friends
and draw them into ever closer
relationship with You. And help me
to be faithful in Praying for them
constantly as long as I live. Amen.

Lord, we were created ultimately
to honour U our Heavenly Father.
And exercising simple Faith helps
us do that for Faith is demonstrated
by seeking after You. And Trusting
You to see us through in hard
times brings You glory. Give me
a sincere heart and a faith that
pursues You; for living for You My
Master is what I should do. Amen.