Praying thro Deut 5-7 (Apr 28)

Principles for Godly Living

After reviewing the history of
Israel’s journey, Moses recounts
the Ten Commandments and
other laws given to the Israelites
at Mount Sinai. Moses urges them
to obey God’s law and reminds
them of the consequences
of disobeying them. The Ten
Commandments and all of
God’s laws point out to us where
we fall short and show us How
we should Live as God’s people.

Dear Lord, thank you for Moses
Second Address which gives
us Principles for godly living
and obedience to Your word.
Help us purpose in our heart
to Follow Your Instructions.
Help us Love You wholeheartedly.
Help us Emulate Your Faithfulness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Follow Your Instructions:
The… elders of Israel said: If the
Lord our God speaks to us again,
we will certainly die & be consumed
by this awesome fire (Deut 5:25).
You must be careful to obey all
the commands of the Lord your
God, following His instructions
in every detail (Deut 5:32).
Lord, forgive me for treating
Your words casually. For they are
absolute truth, and our anchor in
this world. Help me follow You
from my heart. And I resolve to
persevere and not lose heart,
no matter what obstacles stand
in the way or what fears to hold
me back. And please reward me
clearly enough and often enough
to keep me coming to Your throne
boldly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Love U Wholeheartedly:
You must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, all your soul
and all your Strength. And you must
commit yourselves wholeheartedly
to these commands that I am giving
you today. Repeat them again and
again to your children (Deut 6:5-7).
Lord, help me to love You with
all my heart, soul and strength. For
I have not yet been wholeheartedly
committed to Your commands or
made them a consistent part of
my life. Lord, loosen my tongue
to speak about our need for Your
grace and forgiveness, as well as
the confidence that You’ll supply
both to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord,we’ll Emulate Your Faithfulness
It was simply that the Lord loves
you and He was keeping the oath
He had sworn to your ancestors.
That is why the Lord rescued you
with such a strong hand from
slavery and from the oppressive
hand of Pharaoh… Know therefore
the Lord your God is God; He is the
faithful God, keeping His covenant
to…those who love Him and keep
His commandments (Deut 7:7-9).
Lord, thank You for being faithful;
for You keep all Your promises; and
none of Your promises will ever fail.
Help me to exhibit faithfulness
in my relationships with others.
Help me to be known as a faithful
person, who keeps my word.
And help me to continue to trust
You unwaveringly and so receive
what You have promised. Amen.