Thanksgiving in Eph 1 (Apr 22)

Thank God for Spiritual Blessings

The Ephesians had unlimited
spiritual wealth at their disposal,
yet they lived as spiritual paupers.
So Paul wrote to encourage
them to understand and claim
their heavenly resources. Only
then could they draw on them for
their earthly walk. And In Christ,
Christians are endowed with every
Spiritual Blessing as well as adoptn,
redemption, inheritance and power.

Lord, Enlighten Your Plans to us:
(I am) asking God, the glorious
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to give you spiritual Wisdom and
Understanding, so that you might
grow in your Knowledge of God.
(I pray also) that the eyes of your
heart may Be Enlightened in order
that you may know the Hope
to which He has called you, the
riches of His glorious Inheritance
in the saints, and his incomparably
great Power for us who believe
(Ephesians 1:17-19). Amen.

Lord, I am awed to think that
You have provided a way to give
us good Spiritual Insight about
the character of God, the hope
He has given us and the dynamic
power available thro His Spirit.
Lord we can’t perceive these things
with our own intellect for they
are spiritual truths. So Holy Spirit,
open my eyes and flood my heart
to behold these truths. Amen.

Lord, I pray that the eyes of my
heart will Be Opened to see the
Hope to which U have called me.
Help me to understand my true
Inheritance; and enable me to
comprehend the magnitude of
Your power for I believe in You.
And I seek more of Your presence
and Your power so that I can
see them manifested in my life.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, open my eyes to know in the
depths of my soul who You are.
And may Your voice come to me
straight from your heart to mine;
for I need to hear Your Word so
that my heart be flooded with
Your light & confident Hope. And
help me understand the greatness
of Your Power; for I want to walk in
Your Strength; and have heart big
enough for Your purposes. Amen.