Praying thro Num 26-30 (Apr 20)

2nd Approach to Promised Land

Now that the journey is virtually
over, it is time for a second census
– both to assess Israel’s military
strength and to apportion the
soon-to-be conquered territory
of Canaan. In addition, it is time
to appoint Moses’ successor –
the one who will lead the people
in their conquest. God’s choice
is Joshua, one of the only two of
the generation which left Egypt to
survive the wilderness wandering
and enter the Promised Land.

Lord, help us Respond in Faith to
Your Instruction for we know the
serious consequences of unbelief.
Help us Choose Leaders of Faith.
Help us Honor our Promise. For
we want to Be Holy as He is. Amen.

Lord, we will Respond in Faith:
Take a (second) census of all the
congregation of the children of
Israel from 20 years old and above,
who are able to go to war. Those
who were numbered: 601,730.
These were numbered by Moses
and Eleazar the priest, in the plains
of Moab by the Jordan, across
from Jericho. But among these was
not a man who were numbered by
Moses and Aaron the priest when
they numbered the children of
Israel in the Wilderness of Sinai.
For the Lord had said: They shall
surely die in the wilderness. So
there was not left a man of them,
except Caleb & Joshua (N26:2-65)
Holy Spirit, we realise the serious
consequences of unbelief and not
heeding/obeying God’s instructions
You indeed work in quiet ways to
bring about His purpose. Help us
O Spirit, to respond in faith. Amen.

Lord,we’ll choose leaders Correctly
Moses said to the Lord: Please
appoint a new man as leader.
Give them someone who will guide
them… so the community… will
not be like sheep without shepherd
The Lord replied: Take Joshua who
has the Spirit in him. Present him to
Eleazar the priest before the whole
community & publicly commission
him to the people. So Moses did as
the Lord commanded (N27:15-22).
Holy Spirit, leaders are important
and the kind of people we choose
matters a great deal. We purpose
to do as Moses did – first ask God
for a person who is both able and
compassionate; then commission
and support the person. Amen.

Lord, we will Honour our Promise:
Moses summoned the leaders of
the tribes of Israel and told them:
Tis what the Lord has commanded:
A man who makes a vow to
the Lord or makes a pledge
under oath must never break it.
He must do exactly what he said
he would do (Num 30:1-2).
Lord, You have bound Yourself
to Your people with an oath so that
those who received the promise
could be perfectly sure that You
would never change Your mind.
Your promise and Your oath
are unchangeable because it is
impossible for You to lie. So, we
who fled to You for refuge can
have great confidence as we hold
to the hope that lies before us.
And help us to honour our promise
both to You and each other. Amen.