Praying thro Numbers 1-8 (Apr 6)

Preparation For Life Journey

At Mount Sinai, Israelites received
specific directions for their life-
style in the new land God would
give to them. A census was taken &
the 2nd Passover was celebrated,
marking one year of freedom
from slavery in Egypt. The people
were now prepared to continue
their journey to the Promised Land.

Lord, just as You prepared the
Israelites, You also prepare us for
our life journey toward Your plan.
Lord, help us follow instructions
to Prepare and Take Inventory.
Help us Do the Right Thing; and
Thanks for Your Blessings. Amen

Lord,we’ll Prepare & Take Inventory:
A year after Israel’s departure from
Egypt, the Lord spoke to Moses
in the Tabernacle in the wilderness:
Take a census of all the children of
Israel by their families; every male
from 20 years old and above –
all who are able to go to war in
Israel. You and Aaron shall number
them by their armies. (Num 1:1-3)
At transition points in life, it is
important to take inventory of our
resources for better organisation.
While You God do not want us
to trust in our material resources,
believe that You do want us to use
well what we have, then use what
U have given for Your glory. Amen.

Lord, we will Do the Right Thing:
When a man or women wrongs
another in any way and so is
unfaithful to the Lord, that person
is guilty and must confess the sin
he had committed. He must make
full restitution for his wrong, add
one fifth to it and give it all to the
person he has wronged (N5:6-7).
Holy Spirit, I pray U will show me
if I have hurt anyone in any way.
If I have, show me how I can
make it up to them so that things
are right between us. Help me
to apologise and to ask for that
person’s forgiveness. I want to
have a clear conscience so that
nothing will undermine the
closeness I have with You. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your blessing:
The Lord said to Moses: Tell Aaron
and his sons to bless the people
of Israel with this special blessing:
May the Lord bless you and
protect you. May the Lord smile
on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show u His favour &
give you His peace (Num 6:22-26)
Lord, what a good God You are
to bless us, protect us, smile on us,
extend grace to us, show us Your
favour and give us Your peace.
Lord, may my tongue be an
instrument of Your shalom.
May I impart Your goodness to
others through my words, and
may Your Spirit inhabit those
words in mighty power. Amen.

Preview on Numbers (April 6)

Preview on Numbers 

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
But we will meditate the Bible
chronologically to get a better
appreciation of the flow esp OT.
We start with Genesis which
enfolds God’s plan for his creation.
Then we meditated on Job on the
sovereignty of God in the time of
Abraham before covering Leviticus
on Israel’s deliverance from Egypt.
And for the last two weekends, we
meditated on Leviticus which is a
Hebrew guidebook for holy living.

Next, we proceed to Numbers,
which records Israel’s 40 years of
wandering between Sinai & Moab.
Named for the two numbering
of the nation, the book begins in
the second year after the people
left Egypt and ends as the new
generation prepares to cross
the Jordan River and occupy the
Promised Land. Detailing the lives
of such men of God as Moses,
Caleb and Joshua, the book of
Numbers teaches that while
God’s discipline may sometimes
be severe, He patiently waits to
reward those who obey His Word.

We’ll cover Numbers over 3 week-
ends in the following six divisions:
N1-8: Counting & Cleansing People
N9-12: The People Complaining
N13-16: Spying Out the Land
N17-25:Brass Serpent & Brash Seer
N26-30: The Second Census
N31-36: Preparing to Possess Land
Let’s meditate through Numbers,
learning of how Israel prepared
to enter the promised land,
how they sinned & were punished
and how they prepared to try again.
And let’s truly learn not to treat the
Lord our God with contempt. Amen