Praying thro Lev 18-22 (Mar 30)

Being Changed by Holy God

God provides Israel with laws
governing personal conduct and
purity in relation to the family, the
community and society in general.
As obedience is His main concern,
He requires vialators be disciplined.
God’s strict guidelines for living
reflect His desire that His people
be holy for I the Lord am holy.
Privilege often carries with it
responsibility; and in the case of
Israel’s priests, the responsibilities
of serving a holy God become
quite demanding. The priests
must avoid defilement which
others might ordinarily experience.

Lord, we’ll Not Defile ourselves,we’ll
Not Bear Grudge but we’ll Be Holy:
According to the doings of the
land of Canaan, you shall not do;
nor shall u walk in their ordinances..
So you shall keep My ordinance,
so that you do not commit any of
these abominable customs; and
that you do Not Defile yourselves; I
am the Lord your God (Lev18:3-30)
Speak to all the congregation of
the children of Israel & say to them
You Shall Be Holy, for I the Lord
your God am holy… You shall not
take revenge Not Bear any Grudge
but you shall love your neighbour
as yourself: I’m the Lord (L19:2,18).

Holy Spirit, help us understand
that God forbids us to do certain
things because He wants to keep
us from self-destruction. And that
He commands us to do other acts
because He knows what we need
to flourish. Help us when drawn
to forbidden activity to remember
that it may lead to suffering and
separation from God. And when
a good act seems inconvenient or
unpleasant to remember that God
has the best plan for us. Amen.

Lord, I acknowledge that there
are hurts caused me by people.
But I do not want to hold on to
these or seek revenge. So I release
those who have hurt me to You.
I purpose not to seek repayment
through my coldness, or through
my words or through actions.
Rather I will seek to redeem this
relationship with wisdom and
with Your empowerment. Amen.

Lord, we worship Your greatness &
goodness and praise Your holiness.
Even as I worship You, may Your
holiness rub off on me. Help me
to take on the beauty of Your
holiness as I spend time in Your
presence. Enable me to become
a bit more like You so that Your
holiness will make me truly whole.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In Luke 22 (Mar 29)

Thank God for Caring Disciples

Luke provides a full account of
the arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days give way to
the first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, we will be In Your Presence:
Then Jesus & the 12 apostles sat
together at the table. Jesus said:
I have looked forward to this hour
with Deep Longing, anxious to eat
this Passover Meal With You before
my suffering begins (Lk 22:14-15)
Simon Simon! Satan has asked
for you, that he may sift you as
wheat. But I have prayed that
your Faith May Not Fail. (v31-32).
(Jesus prayed): Father if you are
willing, please take this cup of
suffering away from me. Yet I
Want Your Will, not mine. (v41-42)

Lord Jesus, U have done so much
for us; yet sometimes we think
we have nothing to offer You.
The thought that You Long for my
friendship is quite overwhelming
for You have given so much and
I have given so little. I rejoice
that You want to be with me; and
I also love to be in Your presence.
Help me devote a portion of each
day to commune with You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I pray my Faith Will
Not Fail when I am put to the test.
Help me to resist doubt and fear
so that my foundation will be
built solidly in Christ & therefore
will not crumble. Enable me to
be a person who can strengthen
the faith of others because
my Faith In You is so strong.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus,Thank you for following
the Father’s wishes that night at
Gethsemane. Sometimes we need
to be reminded that we share in
your suffering just as we share in
your joy. Realise the road U choose
for me will not always be easy.
Help me remember that to love You
is to obey U. And help me Choose
the Father’s Will in my life. Amen.