Thanksgiving In Luke 10 (Mar 27)

Thk God for Witnessing Authority

Seventy disciples are sent out
two-by-two with instructions to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan; others clamour for more miracles and Pharisees attack His seeming disregard for traditions.
Jesus responds by denouncing the
religious leaders for their hypocrisy
and warns disciples to be watchful.

Lord, U Give Us Authority over Evil:
Then Jesus said: The harvest
is so great but the workers are
so few. Pray to the Lord who
is in charge of the harvest, and
ask him to send out more workers
for his fields. Go now (Lk 10:2-3).
Then the seventy returned with
joy saying: Lord, even the demons
are subject to us in Your name. And
He said: I saw Satan fall… Behold,
I give you the Authority to trample
on serpents and over all the power
of the enemy and nothing shall by
any means hurt you (v17-19). Amen

Lord, raise up and send out
labourers to every tribe and nation,
every people group & unreached.
Raise up missionaries, teachers,
doctors, businessmen & women
and musicians to share the
goodness of Jesus Christ and
to bring in a harvest of souls.
Help us to see that the harvest
is right before our eyes. Pour
out Your Spirit to enable your
people as the harvest waits. Amen

Lord, thank You that there is no
need to fear Satan; for You Jesus
had defeated him at the Cross.
By paying for the sins of the world,
You blocked Satan’s power
to induce guilt and hold Your
people under his accusations.
And by rising from the dead, You
broke Satan’s power over death.
We claim your promise to protect
us and help defeat Satan in our life.
No matter what part of our life
we think Satan has power over,
we trust God will defeat him
in that area as well. Amen.

Lord, help me to fully understand
the Authority You have given
me over the enemy of my soul.
Thank You Jesus that because
of what You accomplished on
the cross, the enemy is defeated.
Enable me to always recognise
the lies and deception of the evil
one and be able to stand strong on the truth of Your Word so that I can control his access to my life. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.