Praying thro Lev 8-17 (Mar 24)

Worshipping God thro Obedience

Israel’s tabernacle, the place of
communion with God thro sacrifice,
is entrusted to custody of Aaron
and his sons. God’s blessing –
made visible by His fiery presence
suddenly turns into a curse as
judgment falls on two of Aaron’s
disobedient sons. Worshiping a
holy God demands a holy people.
For this reason God gives Israel
a series of regulations dealing
with ceremonial uncleanness.
The Day of Atonement observed
each year was Israel’s most
important act of worship. On that
day, the high priest entered the
Holy of Holies with the blood
atonement which would cover the
sins of the nation for another year.

Father, we note the Instructions
in Leviticus showing how sinful
people can relate to a Holy God.
Help us avoid taking relationship
with You lightly; instead help us
Approach You with Deep Respect.
Help us never forget the great price
You paid for us to be forgiven.
Help us be Careful in Obeying You
Help us to be Holy like You are.
Help us Love You truly. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Take Care in Obeying U:
Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took
their censors, put fire in them and
added incense; and they offered
unauthorised fire before the Lord,
contrary to his command. So fire
came out from the presence of the
Lord and consumed them, and they
died before the Lord. Moses then
said to Aaron: This is what the Lord
spoke of when he said: “Among
those who approach me, I will
show myself holy; in the sight of
all the people I will be honoured.”
Aaron remained silent (Lev 10:2-3).
Lord, it is easy to grow careless
about obeying God, and live our
way instead of God’s. Help us
never to be careless about Your
ways and Your Word. Help us
to obedience You correctly out of
deep respect for You God. Amen.

Lord, we want to be Holy like You:
I am the Lord your God. You must
consecrate yourselves & be holy
because I am holy…By these
instructions you will know what is
unclean and clean (Lev 11:44, 47)
Lord my God, because You are
holy, I want to live a life that is
consecrated to You. Help me
cooperate with You as You make
me more holy, one step at a time.
Lord, we are unclean and we want
your touch of deliverance so that
we will want not only to be clean
but out of gratitude yearn to be
holy and dwell in your righteous
presence forever. Amen and amen.

Lord Jesus we Love U for all U did:
Aaron shall lay both his hands on
the head of a live goat, confess
over it all the iniquities of the
children of Israel and all their
transgressions concerning their
sins, putting them on the head of
the goat. and shall send it away
into the wilderness. For on that day
the priest shall make atonement
for you, to cleanse you, that you
may be clean from all your sins
before the Lord (Lev 16:21-30).
Thank you Jesus for paying the
price for my sins so that I don’t
have to. Because of You I have
been reconciled to God. Help me
to extend to others the love and
forgiveness You’ve given to me.
Teach me ways to show gratitude
to You for all U have done. Amen.