Praying thro Leviticus 1-7 (Mar 23)

Worshipping God thro Offering 

With the tabernacle completed,
God now gives Moses instructions
regarding five types of sacrifices
that would be offered in tabernacle.
Three sacrifices are for those in
fellowship with God. In the burnt
offering, the worshiper declared
his total commitment to God.
Through the meal offering, he
acknowledged that his material
possessions belonged to the Lord.
By the peace offering,the worshiper
publicly expressed thanks to God.
There are two sacrifices to restore
broken fellowship. The sin offering
covering sins of thoughtlessness
or neglect, teaches seriousness
of sin. The trespass offering
covering sins of injury to others,
provides for compensation to them.

Father, we note the Instructions
in Leviticus showing how sinful
people can relate to a Holy God.
Help us avoid taking relationship
with You lightly; instead help us
Approach You with Deep Respect.
Help us realise the importance of
bringing sins to U for forgiveness.
Help us note Cost of Forgiveness;
Always Be Deeply Thankful of U &
Contemplate Seriousness of sin.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we note Cost of Forgiveness:
If the offering is a burnt offering
from the herd, he is to offer a male
without defect. He must present it
at the entrance to the Tent of mtg
so that it will be acceptable to the
Lord. He is to lay his hand on the
head of the burnt offering, and it
will be accepted on his behalf to
make atonement for him (L1:3-4).
The purpose for burnt offering
was payment for sins in general.
Dear Lord, help me to never forget
the great price You paid so that
I could be forgiven. I don’t want
to take for granted the sacrifice
You made in my behalf so that no
further sacrifice of life needs to
be made. Now the sacrifice I want
to make is one of thanksgiving and
praise to You for all that You have
done to set me free from the
consequence of my own sin.Amen.

Lord, we will Always Be Thankful:
If you present a peace offering to
the Lord, you may bring either
a goat or a sheep. It may be
either male or female and it must
have no physical defects… Lay
Your hand on its head & slaughter
it at the entrance of the Tabernacle
The sons of Aaron will then
sprinkle the sheep’s blood against
the sides of the altar (Lev 3:6-8).
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving
Yourself as an offering so that
I could be free! I confess that
I sometimes take my sin lightly
and forget what You suffered on
the cross. Help me to remember
Your sacrifice and not grieve You
with a forgetful heart. As I receive
the Father’s forgiveness through
Your offering of Yourself, I will
praise & thank U for the freedom
that forgiveness gives. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Serious over sin:
If the people sin by violating one
of the Lord’s commands, but they
don’t realise it, they are still guilty.
When they become aware of their
sin, they must bring as an offering
a female goat with no defects.
They must lay a hand on the
head of the sin offering and
slaughter it. The priest will burn
the fat on the altar… This is a sin
offering, making You right with
the Lord. (Lev 4:27-31 & 5:6).
Father, we realise sin offering was
meant to make payment for sins
of neglect or thoughtlessness.
Although we live in grace made
possible by the sacrifice of Yr Son,
we don’t want to take sin lightly.
HS, help us Be Serious over sin
so that our fellowship with God
be restored & unhindered. Amen.

Preview on Leviticus (March 23)

Preview on Leviticus

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
But we will meditate the Bible
chronologically to get a better
appreciation of the flow esp OT.

We start with Genesis which
enfolds God’s plan for his creation.
Then we meditated on Job who
lived during the time of Abraham
and learnt the sovereignty of God.
And for the last three weekends,
we meditated on Exodus where
Israel was redeemed from bondage
into a covenant relationship with
God & established as a holy nation.

Next, we proceed to perhaps the
most obscure book of Leviticus,
which shows how God’s people
are to fulfill their priestly calling.
Led out of slavery and into the
sanctuary of God, Israel must now
move from salvation into service &
from deliverance into dedication.
This move involves animal sacrifice
for the atonement of the people’s
sins and a series of strict laws
to govern all aspects of daily life,
worship and service to the Lord.

We’ll cover Leviticus over 2 week-
ends (this week worshipping a
Holy God & next Living a Holy Life)
in the following four divisions:-
L1-7: Offering of Praise & Restoratn
L8-17: Holiness for Priests & Pple
L18-22: Stds & Rules for Living
L23-27: Festivals & Blessings
Let’s meditate through Leviticus   and learn to Worship a holy God   and how to Live a holy Life. Amen.