Praying thro Exo 25-31 (Mar 16)

God’s Instruction for Worship

Moses receives from God detailed
blueprint of the tabernacle which
would be Israel’s place of worship.
In minute detail Moses learns about
the furnishing, covering, curtains
and courtyard; from the inside out;
reflecting not the perspective of
man looking in, but of God looking
out.For true religion originates from
a holy God. Then Moses goes on to
detail the priests, everything about
them is special, from the clothing
they wear to elaborate rituals they
perform in leading the worship
of the nation. Both they and the
implements of worship they use
require special purification befitting
those in service of a holy God.

Lord, we learn from Exodus that
You hear the cries of Your people
and deliver in Your way and time.
From the giving of the law to help
Israelites live rightly as well as
construction of the Tabernacle
and preparation of the priests,
we recognise, You are a holy God.
Help us to trust You & wait upon U.
Help us to be holy even as You are.
Lord, we will Worship You Alone;
we will Offer U incense of Prayer &
we will Offer Skills for Your glory.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we worship U the Holy One:
Set up the Tabernacle according
to the pattern you were shown on
the mountain.Inside the Tabernacle
make a special curtain of fine linen.
Hang this curtain on gold hooks
attached to 4 posts of acacia wood
Hang the inner curtain from clasps
and put the Ark of the Covenant
in the room behind it. This curtain
will separate the Holy Place from
the Most Holy Place. Then put the
Ark’s cover,the place of atonement
on top of Ark of Covenant inside
the Most Holy Place (E26:30-34).
HS, it’s easy to forget the vast gulf
between God’s holiness and us.
Thanks to Christ that this barrier
had been torn down. And thanks
we can now approach God’s throne
with confidence as He sympathises
with our human weaknesses. Amen

Lord, we will offer You our Prayer:
Each morning when (the priests)
tends to the lamps, he must again
burn incense in the Lord’s presence
This must be done from generation
to generation. Do not offer any
unholy incense on this altar…
And Aaron shall make atonement…
once a year with the blood of
the sin offering (Exo 30:8-10).
Lord, thank You that You want
to spend time and have fellowship
with me. Help me to teach others
by example the importance of
daily devotion, prayer & fellowship
with You. Sometimes I may let
so many things get in the way
of our time together. But Lord,
I purpose to reserve a portion of
each day just for You & me. Amen

Lord, we will Serve with Your Gifts:
Then the Lord spoke to Moses:
See I have called by name Bezalel
…of the tribe of Judah. And I have
filled him with the Spirit of God,
giving him great wisdom, ability
and expertise in all kinds of crafts
to design artistic works… And…
I have put wisdom in the hearts
of all the gifted artisans, that
they may make all that I have
commanded you (Ex 31:1-5).
Lord, You called into action gifted
artisans to make furnishing for the
Tabernacle and sacred garments
for the priests. It appears that You
God not only assigns incredible
abilities to individuals; but You
also used that giftedness for
Your purpose when You call them
into service. So Lord, we avail
our God-instilled abilities and
passion for the furtherance of
Your kingdom for Your glory. Amen