Preview on Exodus (March 2)

Preview on Exodus

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
To enable you better appreciate
the Bible especially the flow of OT,
exposition will be chronological.
Continuing from book of Genesis,
we meditated 3 weekends on Job
who lives during time of Abraham.

Next, we go to Exodus: During the
400 yrs since the close of Genesis,
the descendants of the patriarchal
family have grown into a nation of
several millions. But they became
oppressed slaves in Egypt. So,
Exodus is a book of redemption
from bondage to Pharaoh into a
covenant relationship with God.
From Egypt to Sinai, Israel learns
of the might and power of God
and the importance of worship.

We’ll cover Exodus over 3 week-
ends in the following six divisions:
E1-6: Israel Cries & Moses’ Call
E7-12: Plagues, Passover & Exodus
E13-18: Israel Complains in Desert
E18-24: Israel Receives law at Sinai
E25-31: Plan for Tabernacle/Priests
E32-40: Is Idolatry & Tabernacle Up
Let’s meditate thro Exodus and be
boosted in our faith in God. Amen