Praying thro Exodus 1-6 (Mar 2)

God Hears the Cries of His People

As Jacob’s descendants continue
to multiply and prosper in Goshen,
they pose a growing threat to the
new Egyptian ruler. His plan to
kill all newborn Hebrew boys is
thwarted by courageous midwives;
and in this context of danger,
the child Moses is born. Destined
to become the deliverer of God’s
people, Moses enjoys the finest
education in Pharaoh’s court.
But when he seeks to deliver Israel
in his own time and way, Moses
finds himself fleeing for his life
to the desert if Midean. There he
spends the next 40 years tending
sheep and awaiting God’s instructn
When confronted by God in the
burning bush, Moses is far from
convinced he is the right man for
the job! But once his objections
have been answered, Moses
goes forth to confront Pharaoh
armed with supernatural signs.

Dear Lord, we learn from Exodus
that when the Israelites were
enslaved in Egypt, God heard
their cries and rescued them. And
we can be confident that God still
hear the cries of his people & will
deliver them from evil & challenges
So, we will Cry out to You for help.
We purpose Not to Give Excuses.
And when we have been rescued
we’ll Testify & Worship You. Amen.

Lord, we will Cry Out to U for help:
The children of Israel were fruitful
and the land was filled with them.
Now there arose a new King over
Egypt who did not know Joseph.
He said: Look the children of Israel
are more and mightier than we…
So they set taskmasters to afflict
them with their burdens (Ex 1:7-11)
Then… Israel groaned because of
the bondage, and cried out to God.
So God heard their groaning and
remembered His covenant with
Abraham, Isaac & Jacob(E2:23-24)
Lord, we recognise Your answers
to prayers may not happen on our
timetable. Help us to be patient
and continue to pray for as long
as it takes & not stop believing that
You are a God of miracles. Amen.

Lord, we’ll be Rescued for Worship:
The Lord said: I have certainly
seen the oppression of my people
in Egypt. I have heard their cries
of distress because of their harsh
slave drivers. Yes I am aware of
their suffering. So I have come
down to rescue them from the
power of the Egyptians and lead
them out of Egypt into their own
fertile and spacious land… When
you have brought the people out
of Egypt, you will worship God at
this very mountain (Ex 3:7-8, 12).
Lord, when things aren’t moving
as quickly as we would like and
in the way we like, we will wonder
if You’ve heard our cries. But we
know that You hear and will rescue.
Rescue us from things that enslave
us to what’s evil & transform us
into glad worshippers. Amen.

Lord, we’ll try Not to Give Excuses:
Moses pleaded with the Lord: I am
not very good with words, even
though you have spoken to me.
I get tongue-tied. Then the Lord
asked Moses: Who makes person’s
mouth? Who decides whether
people speaks or do not speak.
Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I’ll be
with you as you speak, and I will
Instruct you in what to say. But
Moses again pleaded: Lord please!
Send anyone else (Exo 4:10-13)
Lord, we have tendency to give
excuses to avoid responsibility
as it may be inconvenient to do.
We may also feel inadequate when
called to perform tasks that seems
too difficult. Prod us Lord not to
hide behind inadequacies but step
out in faith for You will Provide
resources to do the work. Amen.