Praying thro Job 32-37 (Feb 23)

Man Don’t Have All the Answers

Young Elihu rebukes the 3 friends
for not giving Job a reasonable
answer for why he was suffering.
But he only gives a partial answer
to Job’s question by saying that
man cannot understand all that
God allows, but must trust him.
This was the best answer that man
could give, yet it was incomplete.

Lord, we realise the best human
answers are incomplete because
we do not have all the facts and
because we are not in control.
Lord, in the midst of life trials,
Help us focus on Your Goodness
and Incline our ears to Listen to U.
Help us not lose hope but Wait upon U; for U will act in due time.
Help us know your power is great
and You are in Sovereign control.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we Incline to Listen to You:
Elihu: In this you are not right,
for God is greater than man.
Why do you complain to him that
he answers none of man’s words?
But God speaks again and again
although people do not recognise
it… He causes them to change
their minds; he keeps them from
pride. God disciplines people with
sickness and pain (J33:12-19).
Lord, you are not silent but warn
people of the dangers of sin and
pride to bring them to repentance
Help us not be engrossed with
our circumstances which can
colour everything dark but
instead focus on the goodness
of God and that we will see how
sovereignty as benevolent. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Seek & Wait upon You:
Elihu: The oppressed cry out for
help. But no one says: Where is
God my Maker, who gives songs
in the night… And if they do cry
out and God does not answer;
it is wrong to say the Almighty
isn’t concerned. It is wrong to say
he doesn’t see what is going on.
He will bring about justice if
you will only wait (Job 35:9-14).
Lord, Your word says that when
we seek you, you will give us
a song in the night. When I am
going through a dark night in the
soul, I pray you would enlighten
my darkness with your presence.
Even though God didn’t intervene
immediately, I purpose not to lose
hope but wait upon God for He will
surely deliver in due time. Amen.

Lord,we accept Your Sovereignty:
Elihu: God is all-powerful. No one
can tell Him What To Do. No one
can say to Him: You have done
wrong. Instead, glorify His mighty
works, singing songs of praise…
Look, God is exalted beyond what
we can understand (J36:22-26).
Listen carefully to the thunder of
God’s voice. He does not restrain
the thunder when He speaks…
We Cannot Comprehend the
greatness of His power (37:2-5).
The Almighty is beyond our reach
and exalted in power…Therefore,
men Revere Him (Job 37:23-24).
Lord, we can never know enough
of You God to answer all of life’s
questions or to manipulate God
for our own ends. And we can’t
comprehend the greatness of
His power and God is in control.
We revere Your sovereignty over
all & over our life. Amen & amen.