Preview on Poetry Bk of Job (Feb 9)

Preview on Poetry Bk of Job

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
To enable you better appreciate
the Bible especially the flow of OT,
exposition will be chronological.
Continuing from book of Genesis,
instead of going to Exodus, we
will meditate next on book of Job
who lives during time of Abraham.

The book of Job addresses the
issue of man’s suffering, one of
life’s most perplexing questions.
Overnight the patriarch finds his
blessings turned into heartaches
as he loses his health, wealth and
family in a series of tragedies.
Seeking to know why, Job soon
finds the wisdom of his four human
counsellors inadequate. Finally,
Job questions God Himself and
learns valuable lessons on the
sovereignty of God and the need
for complete trust in the Lord.

We’ll cover Job over three week-
ends in the following six divisions:
Job1-3: Job Afflicted and Tested
J4-14: 3 Friends Answer Job C1
J15-21: 3 Friends Answer Job C2
J22-31: 3 Friends Answer Job C3
J32-37: Young Man Answers Job
J38-42: The Lord Answers Job
Let’s join in this study & emulate
Job and decide to trust God
no matter what happens. Amen.