Praying through Job 4-14 (Feb 10)

Know Merciful God Is With You

Job agonises over his situation.
His three friends explain that he
must be suffering because of
some terrible sin he committed.
They try to persuade Job to repent
of his sin. When Job argues that he
hasn’t sinned enough to deserve
such suffering his friends respond
with even harsher accusations.

Dear Lord, help us from the
painful experience of Job how to
be a true friend & not be careless
basing on wrong assumption
that suffering is a result of sin.
Help us to Be Careful With Advice
& help us to empathetically Listen.
Help us when under trial, to learn
from Job: Claiming You’re With Us
and Believing in Your Mercy. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Careful with Advice:
Eliphaz replied: Stop and think!
Does the innocent person perish?
When has upright been destroyed?
My experience shows that those
who plant trouble & cultivate evil
will harvest the same. They perish
by a breadth from God. They vanish
in a blast of his anger (Job 4:1-9).
Lord, help us to be careful of
what we say lest our words only
serve to increase pain of others.
Help us avoid come to conclusion
too readily or take a truth and
simply apply to someone’s life.
Help us realise that You can use
suffering to transform character &
that we should look at suffering as
test of our faithfulness to U. Amen

Lord, we know You are With Us:
Job: What is man that you make
so much of him, that you give
him so much attention. Have I
sinned? What have I done to you,
O watcher of all humanity? Why
have you made me your target?
Why not just pardon my sin and
take away my guilt? (J7:17-20).
Lord, it is hard to comprehend
the depth of Your love and why
You care about details of my life.
Where bad things have happened
and I have blamed You, I ask for
Your forgiveness. I am grateful
that in difficult times You are
with me. Thank You for working
things out for my good. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Trust in Your Mercy
and will empathetically Listen:
Then Zophar replied to Job: …
Is a person proved innocent just
by talking a lot?.. You claim: I am
clean in the sight of God. If only
God would tell you what He think!
Listen!God is doubtless punishing
u far less than u deserve (J11:1-6)
Lord, Your gospel seems too good
to be true. And I Need Your help to
deeply believe it’s true when I jump
to the conclusion that I’m being
made to pay for my sin. Thank You
I don’t have to fear You’re going
to take out your anger on me.
Instead I expect You will pour out
your mercy and forgiveness on me.
And Lord, help us not be too eager
like Zophar to provide answer for
everything. Instead help us to be
empathetic by listening. Amen.