Praying through Job 1-3 (Feb 9)

Praising God in Good Times & Bad

Job, a godly and wealthy resident
of Uz, watches helplessly as his
health, blessings and prosperity
collapse around him. Unknown to
him, Job’s problems do not begin
on earth, but in heaven. With God’s
permission and within divinely
imposed limitations, Satan launches
devastating attack in an attempt
to force Job renounce God. In the
midst of each trial, Job’s faith in
God shines brightly, tho personal
turmoil tears at Job’s heart as
he asks repeatedly: Why God?

Lord, we Trust Your Sovereignty
even in the midst of suffering.
Although we don’t know why
bad things have to happen but
You’re in control of the situation &
You are able to carry us through.
Lord, when under time of Testing,
Empower us to Continue Praising U;
Help us Not Sin with Our Lips;
& Deliver us From Fears. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Praise You:
The Lord asked Satan: Have you
noticed my servant Job? A man
of complete integrity & fears God
Satan replied: Yes Job fears God
but not without reason!Take away
everything he has & he will curse
you! The Lord said: You may test
him. Do whatever with everything
he possesses, but don’t harm him
physically…Job shaved his head,
and said: Naked I come from my
mother’s womb, and naked I will
depart. The Lord gave & the Lord
has taken away; may the name
of the Lord be praised (J1:8-21).
Lord, I will praise you no matter
what happens in my life, in good
times and in bad times. Even in
the midst of loss, disappointment
or failure, I purpose to praise you
because I know you will work
powerfully in my situation and
be glorified in the process. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Not Sin with our Lips:
And the Lord said to Satan: Do
with him as you please. But spare
his life. So Satan struck Job with
terrible boils from head to foot.
His wife said to him: Are you still
trying to maintain your integrity?
Curse God and die. But he said:
… Shall we indeed accept good
from God and shall we not accept
adversity? In all this Job did
not sin with his lips (Job 2:6-10).
Lord, just as the teacher cannot
speak during a test, U God often
remain silent in testing times.
Although I don’t know why the
bad things have to happen but
I know you know best and you are
able & will carry me through. And
I will not sin with my lips. Amen.

Lord, we Lift Up our Fears to You:
At last Job spoke and he cursed
the day of his birth. Why didn’t I
die at birth as I came fr the womb
For if I had died at birth, I would
be at peace now asleep & at rest.
What I feared has come upon me.
I have no peace, I have no rest,
but only turmoil (Job 3:1, 11-26).
Lord, I lift up to you my deepest
fears and ask that you would
deliver me from them. Set me
free from all anxiety about the
things that frighten me. Thank
you that in your presence all fear
is gone. Thank You that in the
midst of Your prefect love, all fear
in me is dissolved. For You are
greater than anything I face. Amen