Thanksgiving in 1 Kgs 3-4 (Jan 21)

Thank God for Giving Wisdom

In the final hours before his death,
David charges Solomon to walk
before the Lord in integrity and
truth – a request which Solomon
fulfills in the early days of his reign
by ruling with justice, humility
and honesty before God & man.
Presented with a “blank cheque”
by God, Solomon Asks for Wisdom
to rule skilfully rather than wealth.
In return, God Gives him both!

At Gibeon the Lord appeared to
Solomon: Ask! What shall I Give u?
And Solomon said: O Lord my God,
You have made Your servant king…
Therefore give to Your servant
an understanding heart to judge
Your people, that I may discern
between good and evil. For who
is able to judge this great people
of Yours? The speech pleased
the Lord that Solomon had asked
this thing. Then God said to him:
Because you have asked this thing
understanding to discern justice…
I have given you a wise and
understanding heart, so that there
has not been anyone like you…
And I have also given you what
you have not asked: both riches
and honour, so that there shall
not be anyone like you among
kings all your days (1Kgs 3:5-13).
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in 1 Kgs 3-4 (Jan 21)”

Praying thro Gen 15-21 (Jan 20)

Faithful God Fulfils His Promises

Genesis 15-21 describes the
Abrahamic covenant in great detail,
confirmed with a unilateral treaty
and established by the sign of
circumcision. But as the years
pass with no evidence of fulfilment
Abraham acts in foolish impatience.
The result is a son Ismael, who will
cause the heartbreak of his father,
constantly reminding Abraham
the price of his unbelief. But
the Gracious God keeps reminding
Abraham & Sarah of His promise and
eventually fulfil it in His time.

Dear Creator & Almighty God,
thank You that You not only
have a great plan for mankind,
but also a good plan for each
of us that we may walk in them.
Lord, Help us Live a life of Faith
by having the Patience to Wait;
Trusting Nothing Too Difficult for U
& Knowing U Keep Promises. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Gen 15-21 (Jan 20)”

Praying thro Gen 12-14 (Jan 19)

The Call to Journey of Faith

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
& travel to a unspecified new land.
Abram faces potential distractions
along the way: death of his father,
a severe famine, worldly pursuits
of his nephew Lot. But God is
looking for a man of Faith who
will Trust Him completely to keep
His promises. For Abram and his
descendants, those promises
include receiving a great name,
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing
in the face of impossible odds.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Call of Faith:
Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country, from your
family… to a land that I will show u.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name
great; and you shall be a blessing…
and in you all the families of the
earth shall be blessed. So Abram
departed as the Lord had spoken
to him… And Abram was 75 years
old when he left Haran (Gen 12:1-4)
Continue reading “Praying thro Gen 12-14 (Jan 19)”

Thanksgiving in 2 Sam 12 (Jan 18)

Thank God for His Forgiveness

At a time when David should
have been on the field of battle,
he finds himself instead on the
roof of the palace. A casual glance,
a lustful thought, an inquiry and
the king of Israel set in motion
a chain of events that culminates
in adultery and murder. God then
sends Nathan to David to uncover
the whole ugly scheme; and David
repents and receives forgiveness.

Lord, we come for Yr Forgiveness
The Lord sent Nathan to David…
Then Nathan said to David:
You are the man… Why have you
despised the commandment of
the Lord, to do evil in His sight…
So David said to Nathan: I have
sinned against the Lord. And
Nathan said to David: The Lord
also has Put Away your sin;
you shall not die (2Sam 12:1-13).
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in 2 Sam 12 (Jan 18)”

Thanksgiving in 1 Sam 17 (Jan 17)

Thank God for Being Deliverer

Lord,You’re For Us & Our Deliverer:
Saul said to David: You are not
able to go against this Philistine;
for you are a youth, and he a
man of war from his youth…(But)
David said: The Lord who delivered
me from the paw of the bear,
He will deliver me from the hand
of this Philistine (1 Sam 7:33-37).

Then David said to the Philistine,
You came to me with a sword,
with a spear and with a javelin.
But I come to You in the name
of the Lord of hosts, the God of
Israel whom you have defiled…
So David prevailed over the
Philistine with a sling and a stone
and struck the Philistine and
killed him (1Sam 7:45-50). Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in 1 Sam 17 (Jan 17)”

Thanksgiving in 1 Samuel 7 (Jan 16)

Thank God for Being Mighty Helper

Lord, You Are Our Mighty Helper:
(Samuel) pleaded with the Lord
to help Israel & the Lord answered.
Just as Samuel was sacrificing
the burnt offering, the Philistines
arrived for battle. But the Lord
spoke with a mighty voice of
thunder from heaven, and the
Philistines were thrown into
such confusion that the Israelites
defeated them (1 Sam 7:9-10).

Then Samuel took a stone and
set it up between Mizpah & Shen,
and called its name Ebenezer,
saying: Thus far the Lord has
helped us. So the Philistines
were subdued, and they did not
come anymore into the territory
of Israel. And the hand of the Lord
was against the Philistines all
the days of Samuel (v12-13) Amen
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in 1 Samuel 7 (Jan 16)”

Thanksgiving in Joshua 21 (Jan 15)

Thank God for Keeping Promises

Israel under Joshua leadership
has already conquered Canaan by
destroying key cities & their kings;
yet there remain much land to be
possessed. To complete the task,
Joshua assigns territories to each
individual tribe with instructions
to clear out the remaining pagan
influence and possess the land
completely. And God helped
them to do so as promised.

Lord,thank U for Keeping Promises:
The Lord gave to Israel all the land
of which He had promised to give
to their fathers, and they took
possession of it… And not a man
of all their enemies stood against
them; the Lord delivered all
their enemies into their hand.
Not a word failed of any good thing
which the Lord had spoken to
the house of Israel. All came
to pass (Josh 21:43-45). Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Joshua 21 (Jan 15)”

Thanksgiving in Joshua 1 (Jan 14)

Thank God for Your Presence

Moses has died, and Joshua is
appointed by God to take the reins
of leadership. The people are
poised within view of the land
promised to their ancestors and
denied their unbelieving parents.
The time has come to cross over,
conquer and possess! But will
they succeed where their fathers
failed? The task seems impossible:
a turbulent river and walled cities
to conquer. So God begins to
prepare His people for the days
of warfare just ahead. He reminds
Joshua that careful attention to
His Word brings blessing & success

Lord, Thanks that I’m Never Alone:
I will be with you. I will not
leave you nor forsake you…
Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged; for the Lord your
God will be with you wherever
you go. (Josh 1:5-9). Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Joshua 1 (Jan 14)”

Praying thro Genesis 10-11 (Jan 13)

Don’t Steal the Glory of God

Chapter 10-11 explain the origin of
nations after the flood. Beginning
with Noah and his three sons,
God repopulates the world. But
since the root of sin has not been
removed from individuals’ hearts,
the fruit of sin soon becomes
apparent once again in proud,
disobedient actions. God deals
with human failure by scrambling
the languages, causing humanity
to disperse over the face of the
earth as God originally commanded

Lord, we will Not Steal Your Glory:
Now the whole earth had one
language. And (the Babylonians)
said: let’s build ourselves a city & a
tower whose top is in the heavens;
let us make a name for ourselves…
And the Lord said… let’s confuse
their language, that they may not
understand one another’s speech.
So the Lord scattered them abroad
from there over the face of all the
earth… Therefore its name is called
Babel because the Lord confused
the language of all the earth;
and scattered them (Gen 11:1-9).
Continue reading “Praying thro Genesis 10-11 (Jan 13)”

Thanking God thro Scripture (Jan 1)

Friends, Happy New Year !!
We start the new year by doing
the Right Thing, by Thanking God.
Often our prayers can degenerate
into list of needs presented to God.
Whilst I believe God loves to hear
about our needs, I also believe
that He loves for us to pray back
His Promises; pray commitment
and surrender to Him; as well as
to pray Praise and Thanksgiving!!

We have been utilising Scripture
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
in a way that is pleasing to Him.
With Scripture as our guide, we’ll
also have balance in our prayers.
Having prayed Thro the Scripture
on Knowing Him, Praising Him,
claiming His Promises and Seeking
His Truths,we start 2019 with series
on Thanking God thro the Scripture
Lord, we purpose to Thank U God
for it is the only Right thing to do:
for Gratitude sake, for it’s Your Will
and for we Belong to You. Amen.