Praying thro Gen 22-26 (Jan 26)

Submitting to the Lord’s Will

Abraham’s faith is tested again
as God calls upon him to sacrifice
treasured son Isaac upon the altar.
Abraham obeys; and able-bodied
Isaac too submitting to Lord’s will.
For their faithfulness, God rewards
them with assurances of blessings.
In the closing years of Abraham’s
life, a time saddened by Sarah’s
death, there remains one important
detail: finding a suitable bride
for Isaac, who again shows his
submission to the Lord’s will.

Lord, we learn from Isaac that
he did not demand his own way.
He did not resist when he was
about to be sacrificed; he gladly
accepted a wife chosen for him
by others and he obediently
follow the instruction of the Lord.
Like Isaac, we must learn to put
God’s will ahead of our own.
Lord, help us to Fully Trust in You;
help us to Submit to Your Will and
help us Follow Your Leading. Amen

Lord, we will fully Trust In You:
God tested Abraham and said:
Take your only son Isaac, whom
you love and go to Moriah and
offer him there as a burnt offering…
So Abraham took the wood of the
burnt offering & laid it on Isaac his
son; and he took… a knife and the
two went…Then Abraham tied his
son Isaac and laid him on the altar.
And Abraham picked up a knife
to kill his son as a sacrifice. At
that moment the angel of the Lord
called: Abraham! Don’t hurt him, for
now I know that you truly fear God.
You have not withheld from me
even your only son (Gen 22:1-12).
Lord, we realise You may ask us
to surrender everything to You,
including the dream of our heart.
So I surrender my dreams to You
and help me to trust You fully,
when You wanted me to sacrifice
the “Isaac” in my heart. Amen.

Lord, we submit to Your Will.
Abraham was well advanced in age.
So Abraham said to the servant
who ruled over all that he had:
Go to my country and to my family
and take a wife for my son Isaac
(Gen 24:1-4). Then (the servant)
said: O God of my master Abraham,
please give me success and show
kindness to my master Abraham…
Now let it be that the young woman
to whom I say: (Give me) a drink;
and she says: Drink and I will also
give your camels a drink – let her
be the one You have appointed
for Your servant Isaac (v12-14).
Lord, like the servant of Abraham
my goal is to walk within Your will
and to serve You successfully.
Guide me Lord in everything and
grant me success in all that I do.
Lord, grant me the faith of Isaac
whose agreement of the choice
of spouse reflects his submissive
spirit to Your sovereign will. Amen.

Lord, we will Follow Your Leading:
There was a famine in the land…
and Isaac went to Abimelech king
of the Philistines. Then the Lord
appeared to him and said: Do not
go down to Egypt; live in the land
of which I shall tell u (Gen 26:1-2)
And the Lord appeared and said:
Do not fear for I am with you. I will
bless u & multiply yr descendants.
So he built an altar there and called
on the name of the Lord and there
Isaac’s servants dug a well… The
same day Isaac’s servants came &
said: We’ve found water (v24-32)
Lord, You are the Almighty God
and I thank you for all You have
done for me. Because Your Word
says You are able to do beyond
what I can even think of to ask
for I call on You to meet all of my
needs in ways more wonderful
than I can even imagine. Amen.