Thanksgiving in 2Kgs 19-20(Jan22)

Thank God for Answering Prayers

The epitaph over the tomb of King
Hezekiah might well have read:
Hezekiah, “Best King of Judah.”
Taking the throne at a young age
of 25, he soon establishes himself
as a great reformer by destroying
all traces of heathen worship.
Choosing to put his trust in God
rather than in armies, Hezekiah
often found himself on his knees.
In response to the king’s prayers,
God strikes 185,000 Assyrian dead
& extends Hezekiah’s life by 15 yrs.

Lord, Thank U for Hearing Prayer:
Hezekiah received the letter from
(Assyrian) messengers and…went
up to the house of the Lord, and
spread it before the Lord. Then
Hezekiah prayed: O Lord God
of Israel… You are God, You alone
… have made heaven and earth.
Incline Your ear O Lord and hear;
open Your eyes O Lord and see;
and hear the words of Sennacherib
which… reproach the living God…
Therefore O Lord our God save us
from his hand that all the kingdoms
of the earth may know that You are
the Lord God, You alone (Amen).
Then Isaiah sent to Hezekiah
saying: Because you have prayed
to Me against Sennacherib king of
Assyria, I’ve heard (2Kgs 19:14-20)

Lord,Thank U for Answering Prayer:
Therefore thus says the Lord
concerning the king of Assyria:
He shall not come into this city,
nor shoot an arrow there… For
I will defend this city to save it
For My own sake… And it came
to pass on a certain night that
the Lord went out and killed in
the camp of the Assyrians 185,000.
So Sennacherib king of Assyria…
returned home (to) Nineveh.
And It came to pass, as he was
worshiping in the temple of Nisroch
his god, that his sons struck him
with the sword (2K19:32-37) Amen

Lord,Thank U for Answering Prayer:
In those days Hezekiah was sick
and near death… Then he turned
his face toward the wall and prayed
to the Lord saying: Remember now
O Lord, I pray, how I have walked
before You in truth and with
a loyal heart, and have done
what was good in Your sight.
And Hezekiah wept bitterly. And
it happened, before Isaiah had
gone out into the middle court,
that the word of the Lord came
to him saying: Return and tell
Hezekiah: I have heard your prayer,
I have seen your tears; surely I will
heal you… And I will add to your
days 15 years (2Kgs 20:1-6) Amen.

Lord, grant us the experience
of king Hezekiah that as he cried
out to You God for deliverance
and poured out his pain, he felt
confident U answering his prayer.
So, grant us Lord grace to cry
out to you when we face troubles.
Thank you that when we cry out
to You, You hear and answer
our prayers in your timing
and for your purpose. Amen.

Lord, I thank You that there is
no trouble beyond your help.
When I bring my problems to U,
when I cry out to you, you are
always there, listening, answering
and working in my life. Though
I may be harassed or distressed,
you are my sure refuge. You are
my strong tower, and I run to You
and am safe. Thank you for hearing
and answering my prayers. Amen.