Praying thro Genesis 1-2 (Jan 5)

Almighty God Cares for Mankind

The first two chapters of the
Bible begin at “the beginning”.
Chap 1 gives a concise overview
of the progress of creation,
climaxing in the creation of man.
Chap 2 takes a focussed look at
day six, where the details emerge
of how God’s image-bearers were
created; man from the dust of the
ground and woman from his rib.

Lord, we praise and thank you
that You are not only awesome
in your creation of the universe &
the earth but also show that U love
and deeply care for our welfare.
Lord, we purpose to be grateful &
we will adopt a Thankful spirit;
we will Rest and Worship You; &
we will Remain United in marriage.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Grateful & Thankful:
Then God said: Let Us Make man
in Our Image; let them have
dominion over all the earth…
Then God saw everything that
He had made, and indeed it
was Very Good (Gen 1:26-31).
Lord, thank You for creating
me wonderfully in Your image.
And thanks for the opportunity
to live in this wonderful world
which is also Your creation.
Lord, in gratitude, we purpose
to live each day thankfully and
purposefully for your glory. Amen.

Lord, we will Rest & Worship You:
So the creation of the heavens and
the earth and everything in them
was completed. On the 7th day
having finished his task, God
rested from all his work. And
God blessed the seventh day
and declared it holy (Gen 2:1-3).
Lord, sometimes we may feel
drained physically, emotionally
and spiritually. Give me wisdom
to recognise the warning signs
of burnout. I can’t be effective
if running on empty. And grant
me the rest that You offer. Amen.

Lord, we will Remain United:
And the Lord God said: It is not
good that man should be alone;
I’ll make him a helper comparable
to him… Therefore a man shall
leave his father and mother and
be joined to his wife, and they
shall become one (Gen 2:18-24)
Lord, thank you for making us
male and female and that they
be linked in marriage in a family
unit for the duration of their lives.
Bless our marriage O Lord even
as we purpose to follow your
model in Your Word. Amen.