Gospel Truth in John 2 (Dec 11)

Christ Turning Lack to Abundance

John, the supplemental gospel
provides a fourth dimension of
Jesus’ life and ministry. Fully 92%
of John’s material is not found in
any other gospel account. John
writes to convince his readers
who Jesus is (the Son of God)
and how new life can be found
in Him. He begins in eternity past,
showing how the Word who was
one with God became flesh to take
His message of life to mankind.

Lord, You are the Game Changer:
The next day there was a wedding
celebration in the village of Cana
in Galilee. The wine supply ran out,
so Jesus’ mother told him: They
have no more wine. Jesus replied:
My time has not come. But his
mother told the servants: Do
whatever he tells you… Jesus
told the servants: Fill the jars with
water. When the jars had been filled
he said; Now dip some out and
take it to the master of ceremonies.
So the servants followed his
Instructions… This miraculous sign
at Cana in Galilee was the first time
Jesus revealed his glory. And his
disciples believed in Him (Jn2:1-11)

Lord, we learn that You are very
sensitive to God’s timing to publicly
demonstrate authority and power
by saying: My time has not come.
And Jesus did the miraculous sign
in such a way that met the need
of the situation, revealed the glory
of God and stimulated the faith
of the disciples around him. Amen

Lord, when our lives run dry,
we rest in the hope that you will
replenish us. With patience and
sometimes without it, we plead
that you will provide what we
can never provide for ourselves.
For You Lord are the one who can
bring rest for our weary hearts,
bring peace for our troubled minds,
and bring us joy at experiencing
your presence. In His name. Amen

Lord, We trust you to take the
emptiness of the soul and fill us
with the richness of new creation
in you. We submit ourselves to
your transforming power and make
us into the people U made us to be.
Come and give us what we need
and come to make things complete.
We place our trust in U as we look
expectantly toward the fullness
of the future you bring. Amen.