Gospel Truth in Luke 20 (Dec 5)

Christ Subject to Man’s Treachery

It is now in the final week of Jesus’
earthly life. In the city of Jerusalem,
there’s excitement of the feast
days -some prepared to welcome
a King, while others prepare for
an execution. Jesus Himself draws
the battle lines by driving the
money-changers from the temple.
From then on, the religious leaders
double their efforts to trap Him.
Though His hour of anguish draws
near, Jesus continues the activities
that have characterised His
earthly ministry: teaching and
healing, confronting & consoling.

Lord, we’ll Remember & Honor U:
Then He began to tell this parable
A certain man planted a vineyard,
leased it & went away for a long
time… I’ll send my cherished son.
Surely they will respect him. But
when the farmers saw his son,
they said: Let’s kill him and get
the estate. So they murdered him..
The owner will destroy those
farmers and give the vineyard
to others. And when they heard
it they said: Certainly not! Then
He looked at them and said:
What then is this that is written:
The stone which the builders
rejected Has become the chief
cornerstone? (Luke 20:9-17).

Father God, I won’t forget what
Your Son Jesus has done for me.
You sent him to earth and he was
dishonoured. But I will honour
him by remembering the cross.
I will acknowledge his sacrifice
and celebrate His resurrection.
And grateful that he burst from
the tomb to live inside of me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Loving Father, thank you for not
giving up on me. Even when I fail to
listen you still reach out, eager to
communicate with me & draw me
back to you. Thank you for your
faithfulness to me and to others.
Lord God, thank you for sending
your Son to us. As central as his
death is to our faith, may it never
be taken for granted, may we never
lose sight of the love that saw him
come to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Father, ignoring u can be so easy,
whether through disobedience
or apathy or even inattention.
May my pride not get in the way of
hearing what You are saying to me.
Lord, be with those who suffer
in Your name, who face danger
because of their faith in you,
and their faithfulness to you.
In Your tender mercy, keep them
in Your covering care. Amen.