Gospel Truth in Luke 19 (Dec 4)

Christ Came to Seek the Lost

It is now in the final week of Jesus’
earthly life. In the city of Jerusalem,
there’s excitement of the feast
days -some prepared to welcome
a King, while others prepare for
an execution. Jesus Himself draws
the battle lines by driving the
money-changers from the temple.
From then on, the religious leaders
double their efforts to trap Him.
Though His hour of anguish draws
near, Jesus continues the activities
that have characterised His
earthly ministry: teaching and
healing, confronting & consoling.

Lord, we will also Seek the Lost:
Then Zacchaeus said to the Lord:
Look, I give half of my goods to
the poor; and if I’ve taken anything
from anyone by false accusation, I
restore fourfold. Jesus responded:
Salvation has come to this home
today, for this man has shown
himself to be a son of Abraham.
And I the Son of Man, have come
to seek and save those like him
who are lost (Luke 19:8-10).
Some of the Pharisees among
the crowd said: Teacher, rebuke
your followers for saying things
like that! (Jesus) replied: If they
kept quiet, the stones along the
road wd burst into cheers (v39-40)

Lord, U reached out to Zacchaeus
even when others despised him.
Thank you for seeking and saving
those who are lost. Lord, there
are people like Zacchaeus around.
Open our eyes that we might see
them and reach out. Help us
to look beneath the surface
and discover the person within,
who was created in your image.
Help us to have a burden for
the lost and to be a friend to
those who are seeking you. Amen

Lord, Your love and salvation
know no barriers. And just like
Zacchaeus, I too am a sinner in
need of Your grace. Thank You
with all my heart that You came
to seek & save those who are lost.
Thank you for not only make my
past as though it had never been,
but also make me a new person.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank you for your great
love for me. I praise You for faith
that is real and deep. I praise You
for your Holy Spirit and for the
Word that teaches and guides me.
I will not be quiet and keep my
love for you hidden. Just as your
disciples called out your name,
I will praise you for I serve an
amazing and wonderful Saviour.
In Jesus precious name, Amen.
