Gospel Truth in Luke 17 (Dec 2)

Christ Teaches Prayer of Faith

With His gaze fixed in Jerusalem
and the consummation of his
earthly ministry, Jesus intensifies
His final training of the disciples.
Stewardship is the central theme,
for the disciples will soon be
entrusted with the message
of the gospel. Jesus outlines the
duties of a servant & underscores
the importance of prayer.

Lord, we will Pray With Faith:
And the apostles said to the Lord:
Increase our faith. So the Lord said:
If You had faith even as Small
as a mustard seed, You could say
to this mulberry tree: May you be
uprooted and thrown to the sea,
and it would obey you (Luke17:5-6)
So when He saw them, He said
to them: Go show yourselves to
the priests. And so it was that
as they went, they were cleansed.
One of them when he saw he was
healed, came back, praising God
in a loud voice (Lk 17:14-15) Amen
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