Gospel Truth in Luke 14 (Nov 30)

Christ Models Compassion

With His gaze fixed in Jerusalem
and the consummation of his
earthly ministry, Jesus intensifies
His final training of the disciples.
The subject of stewardship is a
central theme, for the disciples
will soon be entrusted with the
precious message of the gospel.
Jesus outlines the duties of a
servant. Finally He underscores
the importance of prayer.

Lord, help us Be Compassionate:
Jesus asked the Pharisees: Well,
is it permitted in the law to heal
people on the Sabbath day?
When they refused to answer,
Jesus touched the sick man and
healed him and sent him away.
Then he turned to them & asked:
Which of you doesn’t work on
the Sabbath? If your son or your
falls into a pit, don’t you proceed
at once to get him out (Lk 14:3-5)
So, He told a parable to those
who were invited, when He noted
how they chose the best places…
Those who exalt themselves will
be humbled & those who humble
themselves will be exalted (v7-11)
Invite the poor, the crippled,
the lame and the blind. Then at
the resurrection of the righteous,
God will reward u for inviting those
who could not repay you (v13-14).
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